Visit the Five Colleges
University of Massachusetts Amherst is one of Visit the Five Colleges.

1. University of Massachusetts Amherst

300 Massachusetts Ave, Амхерст, MA
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Амхерстский колледж is one of Visit the Five Colleges.

2. Амхерстский колледж

(Amherst College)
S Pleasant St, Амхерст, MA
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Hampshire College is one of Visit the Five Colleges.

3. Hampshire College

893 West St, Амхерст, MA
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Mount Holyoke College is one of Visit the Five Colleges.

4. Mount Holyoke College

50 College St, South Hadley, MA
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Колледж Смит is one of Visit the Five Colleges.

5. Колледж Смит

(Smith College)
1 College Ln (btwn Elm St & West St), Нортгемптон, MA
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