Places to visit in the Burgh
Carnegie Museum of Natural History is one of Places to visit in the Burgh.

1. Carnegie Museum of Natural History

4400 Forbes Ave (at S Bellefield Ave), Питтсбург, PA
Исторический музей · North Oakland · Подсказок и отзывов: 55
Café Raymond is one of Places to visit in the Burgh.

2. Café Raymond

2103 Penn Ave (21st Street), Питтсбург, PA
Кафе для завтрака · Strip District · Подсказок и отзывов: 23

James P.James Patrick: Why anyone would wait in line at Pamela's or Deluca's for breakfast (unless hungover) is beyond me. Trust in the specials and pancakes. Perfect lunch sandwiches too... try the muffaletta.

Kaya is one of Places to visit in the Burgh.

3. Kaya

2000 Smallman St, Питтсбург, PA
Карибский ресторан · Strip District · Подсказок и отзывов: 96
PPG Paints Arena is one of Places to visit in the Burgh.

4. PPG Paints Arena

1001 5th Ave, Питтсбург, PA
Хоккейный стадион · Подсказок и отзывов: 173

James P.James Patrick: Arrive early and visit the top level for a Burgatory burger before the game. Don't forget the fries... and take the time to seek out a Yuengling on draft.

The Andy Warhol Museum is one of Places to visit in the Burgh.

5. The Andy Warhol Museum

117 Sandusky St, Питтсбург, PA
Музей искусств · Northshore · Подсказок и отзывов: 134
PNC Park is one of Places to visit in the Burgh.

6. PNC Park

115 Federal St (at General Robinson St), Питтсбург, PA
Бейсбольный стадион · North Shore, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania · Подсказок и отзывов: 290
Mattress Factory Museum is one of Places to visit in the Burgh.

7. Mattress Factory Museum

500 Sampsonia Way (btw Monterey & Sherman), Питтсбург, PA
Музей искусств · Central Northside · Подсказок и отзывов: 38
Duquesne Incline is one of Places to visit in the Burgh.

8. Duquesne Incline

1220 Grandview Ave (at Oneida St), Питтсбург, PA
Обзорная площадка · South Shore · Подсказок и отзывов: 77

Aaron C.Aaron Cruz: One of best views ever seen. The bridges, three rivers, surrounding hills, Fall colors, it's all right there! Watch yourself rise above it a old-school, historic wooden incline car.

Casbah is one of Places to visit in the Burgh.

9. Casbah

229 S Highland Ave, Питтсбург, PA
Ресторан средиземноморской кухни · Shadyside · Подсказок и отзывов: 39
Pamela's P&G Diner is one of Places to visit in the Burgh.

10. Pamela's P&G Diner

5527 Walnut St (btwn Filbert & Urn), Питтсбург, PA
Дайнер · Shadyside · Подсказок и отзывов: 70

Greg G.Greg Greene: Have the famous pancakes -- thin, crepe-like and absurdly delicious.

Pittsburgh Deli Company is one of Places to visit in the Burgh.

11. Pittsburgh Deli Company

728 Copeland St (at Walnut St), Питтсбург, PA
Деликатесы · Shadyside · Подсказок и отзывов: 9

Tony P.Tony Pimpinella: The Luca is great. Free pickles too!

Aladdin's Eatery is one of Places to visit in the Burgh.

12. Aladdin's Eatery

5878 Forbes Ave (Shady Ave), Питтсбург, PA
Ресторан ближневосточной кухни · Squirrel Hill South · Подсказок и отзывов: 27
Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens is one of Places to visit in the Burgh.

13. Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens

1 Schenley Park, Питтсбург, PA
Ботанический сад · Central Oakland · Подсказок и отзывов: 104
Cathedral of Learning is one of Places to visit in the Burgh.

14. Cathedral of Learning

4200 5th Ave (at Bigelow Blvd), Oakland, PA
Учебное заведение · Подсказок и отзывов: 54
India Garden is one of Places to visit in the Burgh.

15. India Garden

328 Atwood St, Питтсбург, PA
Индийский ресторан · Central Oakland · Подсказок и отзывов: 28

CraigCraig: Go to India Garden after 10 and eat half-priced entrees. Great place even at regular price!

Spice Island Tea House is one of Places to visit in the Burgh.

16. Spice Island Tea House

253 Atwood St, Питтсбург, PA
Азиатский ресторан · Central Oakland · Подсказок и отзывов: 52

travel42travel42: A wide variety of Asian cuisines. The Singaporean kway teaw is excellent, as is the Burmese barbecued chicken.

Hofbräuhaus Pittsburgh is one of Places to visit in the Burgh.

17. Hofbräuhaus Pittsburgh

2705 S Water St (at S 27th St), Питтсбург, PA
Немецкий ресторан · Southside Flats · Подсказок и отзывов: 196
Strip District is one of Places to visit in the Burgh.

18. Strip District

Питтсбург, PA
Район · Подсказок и отзывов: 40
Primanti Bros is one of Places to visit in the Burgh.

19. Primanti Bros

46 18th Street (btwn Smallman St & Penn Ave), Питтсбург, PA
Заведение с сэндвичами · Strip District · Подсказок и отзывов: 220
Wholey's Fish Market is one of Places to visit in the Burgh.

20. Wholey's Fish Market

1711 Penn Ave, Питтсбург, PA
Рыбный магазин · Strip District · Подсказок и отзывов: 65

Jonathan P.Jonathan Plan: Go on the weekends. Go early to get your shopping done. Go later to check the scene out and listen to polka.

Beehive Coffeehouse is one of Places to visit in the Burgh.

21. Beehive Coffeehouse

1327 E Carson St (at S 14th St.), Питтсбург, PA
Кофейня · Southside Flats · Подсказок и отзывов: 55

Dori M.Dori Michelle: Sit around and be a pretentious douche like most of the self proclaimed hipsters smugging up Carson.

Crazy Mocha is one of Places to visit in the Burgh.

22. Crazy Mocha

500 Grant St, Питтсбург, PA
Кофейня · Grant Street · Подсказок и отзывов: 8

Marcus J.Marcus J: Last time I checked, the best people & the coolest baristas work here. If you need a laugh, they're always here to give you one :) Haters should never come back.

Cultural District is one of Places to visit in the Burgh.

23. Cultural District

Питтсбург, PA
Район · Подсказок и отзывов: 5
Acrisure Stadium is one of Places to visit in the Burgh.

24. Acrisure Stadium

100 Art Rooney Ave (at Reedsdale St), Питтсбург, PA
Футбольный стадион (амер.) · Подсказок и отзывов: 180
Дом над водопадом is one of Places to visit in the Burgh.

25. Дом над водопадом

1491 Mill Run Rd, Mill Run, PA
Историческое место или особо охраняемая территория · Подсказок и отзывов: 79

visitPAvisitPA: It’s even more beautiful in person, isn’t it? Cross this off the bucket list. Подробнее.

Harris Grill is one of Places to visit in the Burgh.

26. Harris Grill

5747 Ellsworth Ave (btw Maryland Ave & Summerlea St), Питтсбург, PA
Бар · Shadyside · Подсказок и отзывов: 87
Mario's East Side Saloon is one of Places to visit in the Burgh.

27. Mario's East Side Saloon

5442 Walnut St (at Bellefonte St), Питтсбург, PA
Паб · Shadyside · Подсказок и отзывов: 38
Le Mardi Gras is one of Places to visit in the Burgh.

28. Le Mardi Gras

Copeland Ave (Walnut), Питтсбург, PA
Бар · Shadyside · Подсказок и отзывов: 16
Abay Ethiopian Cuisine is one of Places to visit in the Burgh.

29. Abay Ethiopian Cuisine

130 S Highland Ave, Питтсбург, PA
Эфиопский ресторан · Shadyside · Подсказок и отзывов: 7
Point Brugge Cafe is one of Places to visit in the Burgh.

30. Point Brugge Cafe

401 Hastings St, Питтсбург, PA
Ресторан современной американской кухни · Point Breeze · Подсказок и отзывов: 64
Il Pizzaiolo is one of Places to visit in the Burgh.

31. Il Pizzaiolo

703 Washington Rd, Питтсбург, PA
Пиццерия · Mount Lebanon · Подсказок и отзывов: 33
Arsenal Bowl is one of Places to visit in the Burgh.

32. Arsenal Bowl

212 44th St (at Butler St.), Питтсбург, PA
Боулинг-клуб · Central Lawrenceville · Подсказок и отзывов: 25
Burgatory is one of Places to visit in the Burgh.

33. Burgatory

932 Freeport Rd (at Waterworks Mall), Питтсбург, PA
Закусочная с бургерами · Подсказок и отзывов: 134
Diesel Club Lounge is one of Places to visit in the Burgh.

34. Diesel Club Lounge

1601 E Carson St (S 16th & E Carson St.), Питтсбург, PA
Ночной клуб · Southside Flats · Подсказок и отзывов: 17
Bossa Nova is one of Places to visit in the Burgh.

35. Bossa Nova

123 7th St, Питтсбург, PA
Коктейль-бар · Cultural District · Подсказок и отзывов: 8
The Library is one of Places to visit in the Burgh.

36. The Library

2302 E Carson St (Near S 23rd St.), Питтсбург, PA
Бар · Southside Flats · Подсказок и отзывов: 63
Bar Louie is one of Places to visit in the Burgh.

37. Bar Louie

244 W Bridge St, West Homestead, PA
Гастропаб · Подсказок и отзывов: 48
Static Nightclub is one of Places to visit in the Burgh.

38. Static Nightclub

1655 Smallman St, Питтсбург, PA
Ночной клуб · Strip District · Подсказок и отзывов: 15
Whim is one of Places to visit in the Burgh.

39. Whim

1 E Station Square Dr (Station Square), Питтсбург, PA
Ночной клуб · South Shore · Подсказок и отзывов: 12
Sonoma Grille is one of Places to visit in the Burgh.

40. Sonoma Grille

947 Penn Ave, Питтсбург, PA
Винный бар · Cultural District · Подсказок и отзывов: 50
Wingharts Burger And Whiskey Bar is one of Places to visit in the Burgh.

41. Wingharts Burger And Whiskey Bar

5 Market Sq, Питтсбург, PA
Закусочная с бургерами · Fifth and Forbes Corridor · Подсказок и отзывов: 84