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The Best Iced Coffee in America?
G&B Coffee is one of The Best Iced Coffee in America?.

1. G&B Coffee

324 S Hill St #C19 (btwn 3rd & 4th St), Лос-Анджелес, CA
Кофейня · Подсказок и отзывов: 112

Andrew H.Andrew Hogue: Fresh almond-macadamia milk, made in-house, shaken over ice with espresso, strained into a chilled Mason jar with ice from a Kold-Draft ice maker, an expensive machine you find in cocktail bars. Подробнее.

Stumptown Coffee Roasters is one of The Best Iced Coffee in America?.

2. Stumptown Coffee Roasters

18 W 29th St (at Broadway), Нью-Йорк, NY
Кофейня · NoMad · Подсказок и отзывов: 678
Blue Bottle Coffee is one of The Best Iced Coffee in America?.

3. Blue Bottle Coffee

66 Mint Plaza (at Jessie St), Сан-Франциско, CA
Кофейня · SoMa · Подсказок и отзывов: 735
Everyman Espresso is one of The Best Iced Coffee in America?.

4. Everyman Espresso

301 W Broadway (at Canal St), Нью-Йорк, NY
Кофейня · SoHo · Подсказок и отзывов: 150

Andrew H.Andrew Hogue: Espresso Old-Fashioned: espresso, tiki bitters and simple syrup shaken over ice and strained into a heavy glass. Подробнее.

Madcap Coffee is one of The Best Iced Coffee in America?.

5. Madcap Coffee

98 Monroe Center St NW (at Ottawa Ave NW), Гранд-Рапидс, MI
Кофейня · Heartside-Downtown Grand Rapids · Подсказок и отзывов: 112

Andrew H.Andrew Hogue: Try the Moscow Mule, in which espresso and house-made ginger-lime syrup are stirred together and strained over ice, then topped with sparkling water. Подробнее.

Blacksmith is one of The Best Iced Coffee in America?.

6. Blacksmith

1018 Westheimer Rd (at Waugh Dr), Хьюстон, TX
Кофейня · Подсказок и отзывов: 120

Andrew H.Andrew Hogue: Get a drinking yogurt that is made with milk steeped with coffee and then cultured for 12 hours. Подробнее.

Go Get Em Tiger is one of The Best Iced Coffee in America?.

7. Go Get Em Tiger

230 N Larchmont Blvd, Лос-Анджелес, CA
Кофейня · Windsor Square · Подсказок и отзывов: 87

Andrew H.Andrew Hogue: Espresso milkshake: two double shots of espresso, a generous scoop of ice cream, and a dusting of espresso grounds, is a surprisingly elegant play of contrasting flavors. It’s also a lot of milkshake. Подробнее.

Saint Frank is one of The Best Iced Coffee in America?.

8. Saint Frank

2340 Polk St (btwn Union & Green), Сан-Франциско, CA
Кофейня · Polk Gulch · Подсказок и отзывов: 200

Andrew H.Andrew Hogue: Kaffe Tonic: a shot of espresso poured over a glass of Fever-Tree tonic and ice. It tastes like a refined take on the Fernet-Branca and soda you drink in the afternoon in Buenos Aires. Подробнее.

Mockingbird Hill is one of The Best Iced Coffee in America?.

9. Mockingbird Hill

1843 7th St NW, Вашингтон, D.C.
Винный бар · U-Street · Подсказок и отзывов: 29

Andrew H.Andrew Hogue: Kenya Cola: Kenyan coffee with a little sugar is chilled in an ice bath, mixed with three kinds of bitters (tiki, Spanish and black walnut), then poured in a glass with ice and topped with soda water. Подробнее.

Smith Canteen is one of The Best Iced Coffee in America?.

10. Smith Canteen

343 Smith St (at Carroll St), Бруклин, NY
Кафе · Carroll Gardens · Подсказок и отзывов: 118

Andrew H.Andrew Hogue: Thunderbolt: freshly made lemonade with a shot of Haru, a citric coffee with gingery flavors The two partner beautifully for a captivating flavor that’s part iced Americano, part American South. Подробнее.

Intelligentsia Coffee is one of The Best Iced Coffee in America?.

11. Intelligentsia Coffee

1333 Broadway, Нью-Йорк, NY
Кофейня · Garment District · Подсказок и отзывов: 52

Andrew H.Andrew Hogue: Intelli Egg Cream: shot of espresso shaken over ice with whole milk and chocolate ganache, then strained into a glass and topped with sparkling water. Tastes of the soda fountain, not the coffee bar. Подробнее.