Image Werks LLC's morning Greetings
The Image Works Corporation is one of Image Werks LLC's morning Greetings.

1. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Good Wednesday morning Friends! "If the world is your Oyster, share it!" - Image Werks, LLC. Here is my contribution for 10/17... The Worth of a Woman

2. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Good Thursday morning Friends! Wishing you a lovely and productive day!

3. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Hi Friends, Wishing ALL a great Sunday afternoon! Enjoy the music video, Featuring Gospel Video: "I Am" - Russel Leonce

4. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Good morning Friends! Wishing all a productive Monday!

5. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Good morning Friends! It's Monday 10/22. Let be "In the News!" for Good.

6. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Wishing ALL a Terrific Thursday!

7. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: G'Morning Friends! Happy Fashion Forward Friday! Great News! Caritas Smile Charity Ball at the Marriott Downtown, Providence RI, 8pm, Saturday! You will have the time of your life.

8. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Good Morning Friends! Had an awesome day, yesterday. Let's remember to honor our Veterans all year. The have given so much for us.

9. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Good morning Friends! Let's make this a "Wonderful Wednesday!"

10. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Good morning Friends! Wishing you a lovely Sunday! Remember, God loves you so much and desire "The Best" for you.

11. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Good morning Friends! Thank God It's Monday, Let's Trust God to make today a Marvelous Monday! #Shout!

12. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Friends, How did you do in the exciting Black Friday line? The Nouveaux Holiday Shopping: "Communication." Couples, #Talk! Singles, #Think! Talk to God to be Strategic.

13. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Wow! December 1, 2012. Amazing! The next 31 days are filled with Life;

14. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Hoping you are having a great day/evening/morning! I appreciate you! Me,

15. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Good morning Friends, Want to know the empowerment of God? It is called "Grace." But, without Love, forget it! It won't work.

The Image Works Corporation is one of Image Werks LLC's morning Greetings.

16. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Good morning, wishing you the abundance of God's Love (the Greek word, original language in the Bible, New Testament section: Agape). Me,

17. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Merry Christmas Friends, showing Agape (smile).

18. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Wishing all a joyous Holiday Shopping Weekend. The countdown is 10 days. For those who in mourning, my sympathies are with. The children are in the presence of God, now.

19. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Remember to enjoy the Christmas, Holiday season despite all that has happened. You are NOT forgotten.

20. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Greetings! It is a beautiful Monday morning. Despite the hurt in the world, I am grateful God has given us another day to live. God bless your day.

21. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Good morning Friends, I realize so many of us need to feel Peace, Love and Joy at this 1 week before Christmas time. I am being conscious to do my part. <3 Agape.

22. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Good morning Fam and Friends, Today is a good day. We can arise and give God thanks for giving us the will to live and succeed. We will think good and find joy in our surroundings.

23. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Wishing all a terrific Thursday. Today is 5 Days before Christmas. The excitement builds. Yet, we still remember the 20 lovely babies who are in Heaven at this very moment.

24. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Wishing all a lovely Saturday. And, a Wonderful Holiday shopping weekend! 3 Days before Christmas! Despite all that has happened, let's enjoy Christmas 2012! God bless you. <3

25. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Good morning Friends! The eve before Christmas Eve... the excitement builds. Jesus loves the little children so much that G'pa Zig Ziglar went ahead to greet the 20. <3

26. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Good Tuesday morning Friends! Wishing all a lovely day!

The Image Works Corporation is one of Image Werks LLC's morning Greetings.

27. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: At Image Werks, LLC, "We serve with Passion."

The Image Works Corporation is one of Image Werks LLC's morning Greetings.

28. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Ir's Christmas Eve Friends! Parents care to share the Saint Nicholas report of your blessings? Mine: "Angel", even as a teen.

29. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: I encourage and motivate Entrepreneurs and Business Owners. Using various Social Media tools, I produce ROI to their Business and promote their Public Image.

30. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Good morning! I trust all had an excellent Christmas Day! I am continuing the giving Christmas spirit, enjoy your day!

31. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Happy Holidays, 2013 is on the way! Whoohoo

32. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Business Leader is your Vision 2013 underway? Ask God to direct you and trust Him to lead your our business practices. #Best Me,

33. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Good morning! The excitement builds... #2013ProsperitySoon! Let's cheer the globe and focus on our part of the world.

34. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Did you know... What you think about, shapes who you are!

35. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Wishing all a Wonderful and Prosperous 2013! Happy New Year.

36. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Great day it is! What should Image Werks Corporation be known for in 2013? Encouragement – Publicity – Executive Cheerleader Or, being S.M.A.R.T and cute

37. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Happy 2013! Welcome to… “Living Healthy 2013!”

38. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Image Werks Corporation* * Truth Media RI, USA * Gift:

39. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: What size is your Vision? Has anyone laughed lately? Keep moving forward... someone is waiting for a good joke!

40. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: People! The command has gone forth... Agape!

41. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: When you are walking through the "Valley of The Shadow of Death" and you cannot see your way or you feel lost, God is there guiding your and bringing you through. Trust God. Agape

42. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Good morning, Presenting, Image Werks Corporation* "Truth Media"RI,USA We bring it ~Stronger- Подробнее.

43. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: What should Image Werks Corporation- be known for? Encouragement – Publicity – Executive Cheerleader* Image Werks Corporation*Truth Media* Welcome to the "A" Kingdom. Agape ♥

44. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: His… Image Werks Corporation - on Sunday and everyday - Truth Media Welcome to the "A" Kingdom. Agape ♥

45. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Alicia J. Alexander, What should Image Werks Corporation- be known for? Encouragement – Publicity – Executive Cheerleader*- Economic Messenger

46. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: When you know you are "Appointed and Anointed," no grave will ever hold your spirit down. The Agape <3 of God eradicates every stronghold and brings you into Eternal Life.

47. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: What an awesome day! It is just such a beautiful thing to know God.

48. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Wishing you a great Thursday!

49. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Great Sunday morning friend. Let's worship our God!

50. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Greetings,"Hi! My name is Alicia J. Alexander. I use Social Media business tools and Publicity to produce ROI for your Business. At Image Werks Corp."We serve with Passion."

51. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Hi! … Welcome to the "A" Kingdom. Agape ♥

52. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Hi friends! Enjoy a Wonderful Wednesday! Image Werks Corporation- Agape <3 God bless your with a great Wednesday! Enjoy your day.

53. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Faith The Great Producer Faith: Trust and holy fervor born of faith (Hebrews 11:2 Amplified Bible) Welcome to the "A" Kingdom! Agape, Alicia.

54. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Good morning! When you have a gift? Do you bring it? Or, do you hide it?Great Monday Morning, friends! You are you and You are beautiful!

55. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: When you have a gift? Do you bring it? Or, do you hide it? Great Monday Morning, friends! You are you and You are beautiful!

56. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: You don't have any problems, all you need is Faith in God! ~ R.W.Schambach Agape ♥

57. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Hi You don't have any problems; ALL you need is Faith in God! ~ R.W.Schambach Agape ♥ Wisdom is the principle thing; yet, Agape is the Eternal Foundation.

58. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: God is an awesome God and most worthy of all Praise!. ^AJ Believer's Voice of Victory Webcast- Today | Kenneth Copeland Ministries

59. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Good morning, God bless your day. Wishing you the abundance of Agape, today.^AJ

The Image Works Corporation is one of Image Werks LLC's morning Greetings.

60. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Good morning, How are you this fine Thursday, April 4, 2013? God bless your day. ~ Alicia J. Alexander * The Image Works Corporation

The Image Works Corporation is one of Image Werks LLC's morning Greetings.

61. The Image Works Corporation

300 Waterman Ave (Waterman Avenue), East Providence, RI
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Alicia J A.Alicia J Alexander: Greetings, Happy Fashion Forward Friday April 26, 2013… Agape ~ Zoe Alicia J. Alexander * The Image Works Corporation A “Truth Media Digital Business”