"For the love of it all, try the cornbread pudding. It's the best side-dish in Cincinnati! DO IT!"
· Ковингтон, США
7.8"Try the chili...some say it's better than skyline (but I would never admit that blasphemy out loud)."
"Remember to see the elusive and sometimes gorgeous Jesse F."
Частная квартира или дом
· Fort Thomas, США
"It's IKEA! Enough said."
Мебель и товары для дома
· West Chester, США
8.9"Walk through Northside and stop into this awesome music shop. Also, check out if they have any live music - It's small and very cramped but that's all part of the rocking experience."
Магазин грампластинок
· Цинциннати, США
9.3"Go and eat one of the country's best burgers. Before that, though, shell some peanuts and throw them on the floor. Come on, you know you want to."
· Цинциннати, США