My autobiography in check-ins
Mount Mitchell State Park is one of My autobiography in check-ins.

1. Mount Mitchell State Park

NC Hwy 128 (Blue Ridge Parkway), Burnsville, NC
Лесопарк или национальный парк · Подсказок и отзывов: 24

Amy G.Amy Guth: For the full effect: go in the fall, early in the morning, head to the summit, and look over the fog and new day. Doesn't get much better. Though, I was born in these mountains, so I'm biased.

Callenwolde is one of My autobiography in check-ins.

2. Callenwolde

Атланта, GA
Заведение исполнительских искусств · Virginia Highland · 1 подсказка

Amy G.Amy Guth: Take a class or workshop, or visit and just take it all in. Almost everything I know about creativity, I learned here.

Fort Worth Stockyards National Historic District is one of My autobiography in check-ins.

3. Fort Worth Stockyards National Historic District

Форт-Уэрт, TX
Район · Подсказок и отзывов: 76

Amy G.Amy Guth: When I feel homesick, it's usually for this place. Highlights: Maverick (home goods), White Elephant (drinkin' & dancin'), Ricsky's (deliciousness), Exhibition Hall market area (jewelry).

North Shore Music Theatre is one of My autobiography in check-ins.

4. North Shore Music Theatre

54 Dunham Rd, Beverly, MA
Театр · Подсказок и отзывов: 19

Amy G.Amy Guth: See a show here and watch how creative theater-in-the-round is. (I interned here, yeeeears ago.)

New York City Opera is one of My autobiography in check-ins.

5. New York City Opera

20 Lincoln Center Plz (Columbus Ave), Нью-Йорк, NY
Оперный театр · Lincoln Square · Подсказок и отзывов: 4

Amy G.Amy Guth: While working here (on the business side) decades ago, I learned that while the Met is legendary, NYCO can often do more experimental envelope pushing. Worth seeing, for sure.

Bourbon Street is one of My autobiography in check-ins.

6. Bourbon Street

Bourbon St, Новый Орлеан, LA
Дорога · French Quarter · Подсказок и отзывов: 145

Amy G.Amy Guth: Wander the great Vieux Carre district and whoop it up, but once you near Rampart Street, watch out-- a man once threw either a blessing or curse of dried beans and petals at my feet.

Йеллоустоун is one of My autobiography in check-ins.

7. Йеллоустоун

(Yellowstone National Park)
Yellowstone National Park, WY
Национальный парк · Подсказок и отзывов: 79

Amy G.Amy Guth: Beautiful place for a day trip or to stay overnight inthe Great Lodge. Just watch out for Bison, as my brother and I learned in 2009. Bison have no qualms about expressing contempt for passing cars.

Churchill Downs is one of My autobiography in check-ins.

8. Churchill Downs

700 Central Ave, Луисвилл, KY
Гоночный трек · South Louisville · Подсказок и отзывов: 104

Amy G.Amy Guth: You owe it to yourself to go to the Kentucky Derby at least once, wear a big fancy hat, drink mint juleps and bet on horses.

Tribune Tower is one of My autobiography in check-ins.

9. Tribune Tower

435 N Michigan Ave (at E Illinois St), Чикаго, IL
Сооружение · Streeterville · Подсказок и отзывов: 55

Amy G.Amy Guth: The balcony on the 22nd floor is still one of the best views in the city, if you ask me. Second favorite spot in the Tower? The bank of windows on the 5th floor overlooking the newsroom below.

Streeterville is one of My autobiography in check-ins.

10. Streeterville

Чикаго, IL
Район · Подсказок и отзывов: 11