It's an emotional experience, but well worth the trip and the wait, assuming you're not able to get tickets online. The line's better first thing in the morning and near closing time.
A really sad place that teaches you a lot ! The experience was unforgettable but try to purchase some tickets online because the waiting line can be 2 hours long !
Don't stand in the queue! Buy your tickets online, they sell them by the hour, and skip the super long line! Enter on the door to the left. Self-guided tour, very insightful
Required visiting for tourists, and well worth the 40 minute long queue. But skip the queue by booking online and show up minutes before your tour rather than an hour.
Come early. We arrived 8h30 (30 minutes before opening hours) on a Sunday and the line was half block long. By the time the museum opened, line was doubled. We get in by 9h45.
If you had only one place to visit in Amsterdam this should be the place. Why, because in Anne Frank's writings of having a world without discrimination lies the spirit of this city!
Suite à la crise financière qui menace les économies contemporaines, le prince décide de financer à moyens et longs termes toutes personnes de bonnes moralités
This place is amazing! If you come to Amsterdam, visit it. This house is steeped in history and feelings! Brasileiros, venham... linda história. Abraços de uma descendente de holandeses orgulhosa. :)
This is the house where Jewish girl Anne Frank wrote on her diary while hiding from the Nazis in World War II. Prinsengracht 263-267, and will take about a 20-minute walk from the Central Station.
Waiting hours is really worthy! Anne Frank is a life history that should be in ones heart and memories. I could not stop thinking of how many Annes had no life opportunities being victims of Nazis.
I never been in such emotional place as Anne Frank House. If you come to amsterdam you should visit this place and see how hard was her life during the narcissism.
Incrível relato desta pobre menina judia, que tentou sobreviver no período de Hitler! Visita pele casa com áudio em vários idiomas! Compre com antecedênciapela internet! Sempre cheio!!!
Get there before the museum opens, preferably at 8-8:30am, to avoid a horrendous line. A must-see attraction in Amsterdam. Takes about 2 hours not including wait time.
If you are in amsterdam and you read the dairy you Have to come...but...something disapoint me...probably there are too many people and there is no time to really understand what3happened here
Buy tickets online to avoid the queues. Beware that online tickets are usually sold out 5 days in advance, so book before you travel or you'll end up in the queues!
It was an interesting experience, but I do suggest to go at a time when there are less people. I did not enjoy feeling pressured to rush through each room.
Ortalama 45 dk bekleniyor kuyrukta. Ama kesinlikle değer. İnsanlar o odalarda 2 yıl boyunca hiç dışarı çıkmadan saklanmak zorunda kalmış. Çok etkileyici bir müze. Mutlaka görün...
Where Anne Frank wrote her diary during WWII. Tickets online only!. 80% tickets released two months in advance at 12:00 hrs, 20% on the day itself at 9:00 hrs.