Важное напоминаниеПриложение Foursquare City Guide официально прекратило работу 15 декабря 2024 г., а веб-версия закончит действовать в начале 2025 г. Но не думай, что в твоей жизни больше не будет чекинов! Присоединяйся к нам в Swarm, где ждут новые приключения.
"How dare you ask for my personal medical information when simply trying to attend an event. Your support of medical tyranny will be remembered and the message spread that you are discriminatory."
"Took clothes to have altered. The "services" they performed failed after wearing the clothing just once. Went back and was told that it was my fault and I would have to pay to have the issues fixed."
"Local joint off the Manteo beaten path, but well worth it for the view alone. The preparation of the any of the fish meals is superb. Best food spot here in Manteo."