London Places
Exmouth Market is one of London Places.

1. Exmouth Market

Exmouth Market, Лондон, Большой Лондон
Рынок · Clerkenwell · Подсказок и отзывов: 73
Jolly Butchers is one of London Places.

2. Jolly Butchers

204-208 Stoke Newington High St (cnr of Garnham St), Stoke Newington, Большой Лондон
Гастропаб · Подсказок и отзывов: 80

LondonistLondonist: Americans: think us Brits can't do a decent rack of ribs? Try the Butchers' offering. Like surgery on a plate (in a yummy way).

Fat Cat Café is one of London Places.

4. Fat Cat Café

119 Stoke Newington Church St, Stoke Newington, Большой Лондон
Кафе · Подсказок и отзывов: 25

Phil B.Phil Buckley: Friendly staff, lovely food and the best coffee on Church Street

Sweet Boulangerie & Patisserie is one of London Places.

5. Sweet Boulangerie & Patisserie

64a Exmouth Market, Лондон, Большой Лондон
Кафе · Clerkenwell · Подсказок и отзывов: 36
Gujarati Rasoi is one of London Places.

6. Gujarati Rasoi

Exmouth Market, Лондон, Большой Лондон
Индийский ресторан · Clerkenwell · 1 подсказка
Daddy Donkey is one of London Places.

7. Daddy Donkey

100 Leather Ln Market (Baldwin Gardens), Лондон, Большой Лондон
Ресторан с буррито · Holborn and Covent Garden · Подсказок и отзывов: 68
Moro Market Stall is one of London Places.

8. Moro Market Stall

Exmouth Market, Ислингтон, Большой Лондон
Закусочная на колесах · Подсказок и отзывов: 3

Vuk T.Vuk Trifkovic: Lamb is the staple, but they do chicken from time to time, so keep an eye on that too. The meat is not quite as punchy, but aubergines & beetroot sauce that goes with chicken is fantastic.

Clissold Park is one of London Places.

9. Clissold Park

Church St (Green Ln), Stoke Newington, Большой Лондон
Парк · Hackney · Подсказок и отзывов: 76

10. Simply Thai

Exmouth Market, Лондон, Большой Лондон
Закусочная на колесах · Clerkenwell · Подсказок и отзывов: 10
Crowdsurge Offices is one of London Places.

11. Crowdsurge Offices

Market Building, 72-82 Rosebery Avenue (Tysoe Street), Лондон, Большой Лондон
Офис · Clerkenwell · Нет подсказок или отзывов
Sadler's Wells is one of London Places.

12. Sadler's Wells

Rosebery Ave, Лондон, Большой Лондон
Театр · Clerkenwell · Подсказок и отзывов: 63
Hoxton Beach is one of London Places.

13. Hoxton Beach

Clissold Leisure Centre
Кафе · Clissold · 1 подсказка