An exceptional historic testimony to Magna Graecia’s presence in this area, as well as to subsequent epochs, the archaeological was inserted onto the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1997. Подробнее.
Syracuse conserves ancient vestiges in every niche and corner, from Classical testimonies to Baroque splendors. Not far from Syracuse, situated near open quarries is the cave necropolis of Pantalica Подробнее.
Situated in southeastern Sicily, Val di Noto (the Noto Valley) – with its eight gorgeous late-Baroque cities – became one of the Italian UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 2002. Подробнее.
The European Continent’s most active volcan represents a natural, terrestrial scientific laboratory, and its vulcanic zones and intense eruptions have been observed and talked about since Antiquity. Подробнее.
This majestic Imperial villa is a magnificent rural abode, fascinating, above all, for its captivating mosaics, considered the most beautiful and best-preserved of their kind. Подробнее.