"Whatever you order, get bacon with it. Thick cut, juicy slabs of bacon. Mmmm."
"Notice the deer painting on the west wall. Stare into its eyes. You'll learn things about yourself you never knew before."
Частная квартира или дом
· Толедо, США
"Happy hour is from 2 - 5 until June 15th! Half off frappuccinos, smoothies and milk shakes!"
"Best donuts in Toledo. If you order a dozen you're almost guaranteed to get some extra on the house"
"Make sure you bring extra blankets, because the winters are harsh! On a side note, make sure you have storage for those blankets, because the summers are brutal."
"Get the chilitos! Your tastebuds will go on a sensational trip!"
Мексиканский ресторан
· Манкейто, США