Drake Stadium

Drake Stadium

Университетский стадион, Университетское футбольное поле (амер.) и Университетское футбольное поле
Drake, Де-Мойн
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  • drake students
  • tracks
  • states
  • fields
  • football
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  • Hilary H.
    Hilary HenakЯнварь 26, 2012
    Celebrated by Drake students, alumni and the Iowa community, the Drake Relays is an annual track and field event held in Drake Stadium. It's become one of the largest/most important meets in the U.S.
  • Jaimie D.
    Jaimie DuffekЯнварь 27, 2012
    A celebrated tradition by Drake students, alumni and the Iowa community, the Drake Relays is an annual track and field event. It's become one of the largest/most important meets in the U.S.
  • Universal Sports
    Universal SportsИюль 13, 2011
    Drake Stadium is home to the Drake Relays and it is where LaShauntea Moore broke their 100m record. Watch the IAAF World Championships in Daegu from August 27- September 4 on Universal Sports.
  • Oliver H.
    Oliver HousmanАпрель 22, 2012
    Сколько раз довелось побывать здесь: 25+
    Take a photo with Spike outside the main gate and be part of the Bulldog family.
  • Oliver H.
    Oliver HousmanАпрель 22, 2012
    Сколько раз довелось побывать здесь: 25+
    Take a photo with Spike, outside the main gate.
  • Ku M.
    Ku MaysАвгуст 6, 2014
    Awesome fast track.
  • Dan J.
    Dan JohnsonОктябрь 3, 2012
    Home field to the Roosevelt Roughriders
  • Drake University
    Drake UniversityОктябрь 6, 2010
    Try to jump farther than 26 feet, 1.75 inches – the distance Jesse Owens leaped when he set the broad jump record at the 1935 Drake Relays.
  • Cristo L.
    Cristo LeonМай 10, 2012
  • Charles E.
    Charles EdgeМарт 9, 2012
    Drake Relays FTW!
  • Greg S.
    Greg SwanАпрель 28, 2012
    Drake rhymes with cake.
  • Chris H.
    Chris HansenАвгуст 13, 2010
    Сколько раз довелось побывать здесь: 10+
    Home of the Drake Football Team
  • Shah@Aprilia
    Shah@ApriliaМай 12, 2013
    Smell like teen spirits
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