13 места обновлены Апрель 8, 2012
A foursquare list of venues to visit during Blue Devil Days 2012.
29 места обновлены Апрель 5, 2012
This is a list of restaurants in Durham that have discounts for Duke students
To receive discounts, students should present their Duke ID
Discount apply to the entire order
Only for Durham restaurant
5 места обновлены Декабрь 7, 2011
To celebrate Duke men's basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski's record 903rd NCAA win, we visit some of the locations for key wins along the way.
7 места обновлены Сентябрь 30, 2011
Get out and support your favorite Duke team at these campus stadiums.
48 места обновлены Август 22, 2012
All the locations that are hosting events during the Duke Class of 2016 orientation week from August 21-26, 2012.
29 места обновлены Август 28, 2013
Places to east on Duke's campus.