Eric : понравившиеся места
輪王寺 is one of Eric : понравившиеся места.

1. 輪王寺

青葉区北山1-14-1, Сендай, Мияги
Буддистский храм · Подсказок и отзывов: 4

Eric D.Eric Dallemagne: Rinnoji, north of Sendai's downtown, may first appear to be a somewhat unexceptional temple. However, beyond the main hall of the temple is 1 of the most beautiful Japanese garden and pagoda in Sendai

Rice Curry Manten is one of Eric : понравившиеся места.

2. Rice Curry Manten

神田神保町1-54, Токио, Префектура Токио
Ресторан японского карри · 神保町 · Подсказок и отзывов: 67

Eric D.Eric Dallemagne: This little shop down a hidden alleyway changed my taste forever. Manten Curry, meaning “full marks” or “perfect score” in Japanese, lives up to its name as one of the best places in Tokyo for curry.

Yamatoya Honten is one of Eric : понравившиеся места.

3. Yamatoya Honten

道後湯之町20-8, Мацуяма, 愛媛県
Гостиница · Подсказок и отзывов: 9

Eric D.Eric Dallemagne: Ryokan with a 140 year history, it was built in a traditional Japanese architectural style. It features a 3,000 year old hot spring, 1 of Japan’s oldest. Also it features a traditional Noh play stage.

Le Clos Y is one of Eric : понравившиеся места.

4. Le Clos Y

27 avenue du Maine, Париж, Иль-де-Франс
Японский ресторан · Подсказок и отзывов: 8

Eric D.Eric Dallemagne: Elegantly arranged, French cutlery & Japanese chopsticks symbolise the spirit of Le Clos Y. Quality ingredients, pursuit of subtlety: Yoshitaka Ikeda underscores the affinities of FR & Japanese food.

Toyo is one of Eric : понравившиеся места.

5. Toyo

17 rue Jules Chaplain, Париж, Иль-де-Франс
Японский ресторан · Notre-Dame-des-Champs · Подсказок и отзывов: 18

Eric D.Eric Dallemagne: Toyo Nakayama, formerly personal chef to designer Kenzo, opened Toyo. It is an authentic restaurant with an elegant setting serves an original & refined French cuisine with authentic Japanese flavors.

L’Artisan du Burger is one of Eric : понравившиеся места.

6. L’Artisan du Burger

206 rue de Grenelle, Париж, Иль-де-Франс
Закусочная с бургерами · Gros-Caillou · Подсказок и отзывов: 4

Eric D.Eric Dallemagne: The Parisian chain restaurant serves premium ""homemade"" burgers using quality fresh ingredients. All the ingredients are free of additives and almost all are organic.

Beige is one of Eric : понравившиеся места.

7. Beige

31 rue de la Parcheminerie, Париж, Иль-де-Франс
Японский ресторан · Sorbonne · Подсказок и отзывов: 4
Montée is one of Eric : понравившиеся места.

8. Montée

9 rue Léopold Robert, Париж, Иль-де-Франс
Французский ресторан · Montparnasse · 1 подсказка

Eric D.Eric Dallemagne: A Japanese chef shares his love of French food. His graphic, meticulously dishes are rich in flavors, revealing his skill, & know-how. Finally, the stripped décor amplified to the culinary experience.

La Caféothèque de Paris is one of Eric : понравившиеся места.

9. La Caféothèque de Paris

52 rue de l'Hôtel de Ville, Париж, Иль-де-Франс
Кофейня · Hôtel-de-Ville · Подсказок и отзывов: 198

Eric D.Eric Dallemagne: It has had a big role in helping to kickstart the coffee scene in Paris. It stocks & roasts coffee from 31 countries. The baristas are experienced. The lounge is decorated like a comfy living room.

Vivant is one of Eric : понравившиеся места.

10. Vivant

Consell de Cent, 394 (Bailèn), Барселона, Каталония
Каталонский ресторан · La Dreta de l'Eixample · Подсказок и отзывов: 53

Eric D.Eric Dallemagne: This restaurant boasting a cozy & casual atmosphere bets on homemade dishes made with the best market produce. The excellent menu is based on traditional recipes & contemporary culinary techniques.

Casa Marieta is one of Eric : понравившиеся места.

11. Casa Marieta

Plaça Independència, 5-6, Жирона, Каталония
Испанский ресторан · Подсказок и отзывов: 41

Eric D.Eric Dallemagne: This is a classic both of Girona & traditional Catalan cuisine. Situated in the heart of the city, at Casa Marieta you'll feel as though you're eating the cooking of the best grandmothers in Girona

Casa Alfonso is one of Eric : понравившиеся места.

12. Casa Alfonso

Roger de Llúria, 6, Барселона, Каталония
Ресторан тапас · La Dreta de l'Eixample · Подсказок и отзывов: 75

Eric D.Eric Dallemagne: In business since 1934, Casa Alfonso is perfect tapas stop at the long marble bar. Wood-panelled & festooned with old photos, posters & swinging hams, it attracts a faithful local clientele at all hrs

Hugo & Victor is one of Eric : понравившиеся места.

13. Hugo & Victor

40 boulevard Raspail, Париж, Иль-де-Франс
Магазин выпечки · Saint Thomas d'Aquin · Подсказок и отзывов: 19

Eric D.Eric Dallemagne: website:

Boot Café is one of Eric : понравившиеся места.

14. Boot Café

19 rue du Pont aux Choux, Париж, Иль-де-Франс
Кафе · Temple · Подсказок и отзывов: 78

Eric D.Eric Dallemagne: What it lacks in size it makes up in character.The decor is very cute made up of postcards and magazines on the walls.Great coffee with a warm service from the friendly baristas.

Clown Bar is one of Eric : понравившиеся места.

15. Clown Bar

114 rue Amelot, Париж, Иль-де-Франс
Бистро · Подсказок и отзывов: 51

Eric D.Eric Dallemagne: The beautiful Belle Epoque space is tastefully decorated with clowns. The menu is by Sota Atsumi, very intriguing small plates. Wines are heavily natural. Don’t expect to get a table without calling.

16. Marché De L'esplanade

17 Esplanade Charles de Gaulle, Нантер, Иль-де-Франс
Ресторанный дворик · Нет подсказок или отзывов
L'Hotel is one of Eric : понравившиеся места.

17. L'Hotel

13 rue des Beaux-Arts, Париж, Иль-де-Франс
Гостиница · Saint-Germain-des-Prés · Подсказок и отзывов: 19

Eric D.Eric Dallemagne: Place where Oscar Wilde quipped his last. A glamorous underground pool, a Michelin-starred restaurant & a bar beloved of the French capital’s style set, it is as much of a destination stay as ever.

麺処 NAKAJIMA is one of Eric : понравившиеся места.


紀尾井町4-5 (ホテルニューオータニ), 千代田区, Префектура Токио
Ресторан лапши соба · Подсказок и отзывов: 4

Eric D.Eric Dallemagne: Tokyo tops the world when it comes to Michelin-starred restaurants, but that doesn't mean you need to spend a fortune at 1 of these establishments. It serves up a set menu lunch at a price of about $8

Asuka is one of Eric : понравившиеся места.

19. Asuka

桜丘町2-11 (オギノビル 1F), Токио, Префектура Токио
Ресторан лапши рамен · 桜丘町 · Подсказок и отзывов: 20
Eikando Zenrin-ji is one of Eric : понравившиеся места.

20. Eikando Zenrin-ji

(永観堂 禅林寺)
左京区永観堂町48, Киото, 京都府
Буддистский храм · Подсказок и отзывов: 27

Eric D.Eric Dallemagne: The Eikan-do temple was my favorite in Kyoto. Although it is known for its spectacular grounds being colored by the autumn leaves, we visited it during the summer. It was still very pretty.

Kyoto Railway Museum is one of Eric : понравившиеся места.

21. Kyoto Railway Museum

下京区観喜寺町 (梅小路公園), Киото, 京都府
Музей · 下京区 · Подсказок и отзывов: 48

Eric D.Eric Dallemagne: Opened in 2016, it is 1 of Japan's 3 great railway museums. Covering 3 floors, it exhibits 53 retired trains from steam locomotives to more recent trains. Also it boasts 1 of Japan's largest dioramas.

Sagano Romantic Train is one of Eric : понравившиеся места.

22. Sagano Romantic Train

Киото, 京都府
Поезд · Подсказок и отзывов: 4

Eric D.Eric Dallemagne: The Sagano Scenic Railway is a sightseeing train line that runs along the Hozugawa River between Arashiyama and Kameoka. Its charming, old fashioned trains wind their way through the mountains.

Tenryu-ji Temple is one of Eric : понравившиеся места.

23. Tenryu-ji Temple

右京区嵯峨天龍寺芒ノ馬場町68, Киото, 京都府
Буддистский храм · Подсказок и отзывов: 53

Eric D.Eric Dallemagne: Tenryuji (天龍寺, Tenryūji) is the most important temple in Kyoto's Arashiyama district. It was ranked first among the city's five great Zen temples, and is now registered as a world heritage site.

Takayama Jin-ya is one of Eric : понравившиеся места.

24. Takayama Jin-ya

八軒町1-5, Такаяма, 岐阜県
Историческое место или особо охраняемая территория · 高山市 · Подсказок и отзывов: 16

Eric D.Eric Dallemagne: Takayama Jinya served as the local administrative offices of the Tokugawa Shogunate that ruled Japan from 1600 to 1868. The compound itself dates back to 1615 & the present buildings date back to 1816

Sanmachi Suji is one of Eric : понравившиеся места.

25. Sanmachi Suji

上三之町, Такаяма, 岐阜県
Магазин мелочей · Подсказок и отзывов: 2

Eric D.Eric Dallemagne: The streets are lined with traditional houses, shops, restaurants, sake breweries & cafes. These quaint streets are among the most picturesque in Japan.

Shirakawa-go is one of Eric : понравившиеся места.

26. Shirakawa-go

白川村, 岐阜県
Район · Подсказок и отзывов: 114

Eric D.Eric Dallemagne: The Historic Villages of Shirakawa-gō and Gokayama are one of Japan's UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Old Site of Kurando Terashima's House (寺島蔵人邸跡) is one of Eric : понравившиеся места.

27. Old Site of Kurando Terashima's House (寺島蔵人邸跡)

大手町10-3, Канадзава, 石川県
Историческое место или особо охраняемая территория · Подсказок и отзывов: 2

Eric D.Eric Dallemagne: This samurai resident and garden show what life was like in the middle of the Eido period. Very interesting.

Kanazawa Castle Park is one of Eric : понравившиеся места.

28. Kanazawa Castle Park

丸の内, Канадзава, 石川県
Парк · Подсказок и отзывов: 37

Eric D.Eric Dallemagne: Symbolizing the castle town of Kanazawa, this impressive structure stands to the east of the remnants of Kanazawa Castle facing Kenrokuen Garden.

FUWARI is one of Eric : понравившиеся места.


小杉783-2, Тояма, 富山県
Кондитерская · Подсказок и отзывов: 2

Eric D.Eric Dallemagne: Really nice Japanese-style restaurant, serves a variety of excellent fish (including great sashimi) & a variety of meat & vegetable dishes, all creatively created & presented. It’s highly recommended

Omicho Market is one of Eric : понравившиеся места.

30. Omicho Market

上近江町50, Канадзава, 石川県
Рыбный магазин · 金沢市 · Подсказок и отзывов: 57

Eric D.Eric Dallemagne: This market is 1 of my favorites in Japan. It’s less crowded & more enjoyable than Tokyo’s. It’s packed with stall after stall selling locally caught seafood, vegetables and fruits.