Favorite Arts & Entertainment

1. UltraLuxe Anaheim Cinemas at GardenWalk

321 W Katella Ave (Clementine St), Анахайм, CA
Кинотеатр · The Anaheim Resort · Подсказок и отзывов: 57

David E.David Esquire: If you're not seeing your movie in DBox, then you're sooooo totally missing out. DBox is the equivalent to 1st Class in the movies!

2. The Wiltern

3790 Wilshire Blvd (at Western Ave), Лос-Анджелес, CA
Концертный зал · Wilshire Center - Koreatown · Подсказок и отзывов: 124

David E.David Esquire: Be nice to the staff here. They work their arses off! :-)

3. Peacock Theater

777 Chick Hearn Ct, Лос-Анджелес, CA
Театр · South Park · Подсказок и отзывов: 160

David E.David Esquire: Totally be cool to the staff here. They work their arses off! :-)

4. Haunted Mansion

1313 Disneyland Dr (at Disneyland Park), Анахайм, CA
Аттракцион · The Anaheim Resort · Подсказок и отзывов: 233

David E.David Esquire: Watch out for ghosts!

5. A Decade Of Difference Concert

Hollywood Bowl, Лос-Анджелес, CA
Музыкальное заведение · Нет подсказок или отзывов

David E.David Esquire: Be nice to the parking attendants and you'll usually get a better parking spot. :-)

Rennaisance Pleasure Faire is one of Favorite Arts & Entertainment.

6. Rennaisance Pleasure Faire

15501 Arrow Hwy (Santa Fe Dam Recreation Area), Irwindale, CA
Ярмарка · Подсказок и отзывов: 34