So-Wei Y. • Декабрь 30, 2016Must try the yummy hamburger steak but don't forget to order a bowl of rice
Shelley L. • Май 18, 2019Traditional Taiwanese style of Japanese fool. Hidden in a small lane, it closes to Taipei Circle area (MRT Zongsun station). Fresh & at reasonable price! Must try their Oden and sushi roll!
Yana • Август 30, 2018This place is located in shopping mall and ideal for quick lunch. Fresh fish, good quality and very tasty.
何封 😶 • Март 8, 2014圓山捷運站一號出口出來右轉,走一分鐘就到,相當方便。服務人員態度好,餐點好吃,擺盤也很漂亮。特別推薦比目魚緣側握壽司,一吃愛上!另外起司辣雞辣辣的好下飯!日本酒也蠻多的,有各式清酒和燒肘。座位不算多,可先上網訂位。
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