По Всему Миру Б. • Январь 10, 2017Люблю такую архитектуру.мысли сразу о том что это место волшебное😍😁
Filippa E. • Май 23, 2013You never know what you'll find here. Just stopped in for a cinnamon bun and walked into a art opening and a concert. Lovely and unexpected midtown break on a rainy day.
Ade L. • Ноябрь 12, 2018Beautiful place with so much history. I learned a lot and had the opportunity to see a lot too.
Tom F. • Февраль 20, 2012Basement has a perfect little theater space to do a script reading...
jessica m. h. • Декабрь 19, 2012Greenwich Village Caroling Walk: 12/22 @ 5 pm. Nostalgic and seasonal, caroling through storybook Greenwich Village invites a convivial crowd full of spirit and excitement. song books provided.
IWalked Audio Tours • Сентябрь 2, 2011A small Federal style red-brick building surrounded by skyscrapers. The site of the church is the former home of the 1st America-born saint Elizabeth Ann Seton. Learn more on this site via our blog!
Tom M. • Октябрь 12, 2014Just an amazing place with an amazing history, a must stop for prayer or just visiting
Mr. E. • Июль 31, 2011A beautiful church! One should really go to Mass here at least once! They celebrate the liturgy with care and respect to the Church's teachings. Love this church!
Kelly S. • Июль 18, 2018Loved the original paintings.
Jacob F. • Август 20, 2024Smell the candles, a wonderful beeswax.
Takako N. • Март 15, 2010The People's Voice Cafe runs on Saturdays from September through June, featuring musicians of the lefty progressive bent. Very nice, welcoming people.
Christine B. • Март 19, 2011Come for the wonderful service and stay for coffee and make new friends.
Alina B. • Август 26, 2012Reverend Jason's stories are the best way to hear the history of Christianity.
Hugh Y. • Ноябрь 29, 2011St. Peter's often has art exhibitions in the lobby inside the 54th Street entrance. It's well worth checking out if you're in the neighborhood.
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