John G. • Март 19, 2012Best pharmacy in Cape Town. With service that could teach a five star hotel a thing or two.
Richard W. • Декабрь 11, 2015Great views of Atlantic Ocean, historic geological structures mentioned and studied by Charles Darwin
Яyan M. • Январь 8, 2016The best post in a Cape Town to go for a sunset walk. Dog friendly and cyclist friendly.
Beth G. • Февраль 24, 2019It’s a nice beach but they allow dogs and some inconsiderate a-holes don’t pick up after their animals. Not nice for kids to play due to the above.
Elizabeth • Декабрь 25, 2012Go for a jog or stroll around this recently built green park. Beautiful views of Lion's Head. Kids will love the playground and overall safe play area. Security guards are present.
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