Jim H. • Декабрь 23, 2013Ideal French bistro: good food at very good price and laissez-faire attitude (this is a good thing). Please visit again and again, we need more places like Olivier!
Leia S. • Декабрь 1, 2019Almond croissants are the best, but chocolate almond also looked very good. The almond filling seems to be placed on top before baking, and is surprisingly eggy, but it all comes together beautifully.
Andrew • Февраль 18, 2013Очень хорошая еда. Неплохое вино и отличная атмосфера. Очень хорошо.
chastine • Май 8, 2010great brunch everyday of the week. pumpkin pancakes own my heart year round.
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