10 Savory Ice Creams to Sample This Summer
Lick Honest Ice Creams is one of 10 Savory Ice Creams to Sample This Summer.

1. Lick Honest Ice Creams

1100 S Lamar Blvd, Остин, TX
Заведение с мороженым · Zilker · Подсказок и отзывов: 173
MAD Social is one of 10 Savory Ice Creams to Sample This Summer.

2. MAD Social

1140 W Madison St, Чикаго, IL
Ресторан современной американской кухни · Near West Side · Подсказок и отзывов: 19
Porano Pasta is one of 10 Savory Ice Creams to Sample This Summer.

3. Porano Pasta

634 Washington Ave (Washington And 6th), Сент-Луис, MO
Итальянский ресторан · Downtown East · Подсказок и отзывов: 8
Lick is one of 10 Savory Ice Creams to Sample This Summer.

4. Lick

Индианаполис, IN
Заведение с мороженым · Downtown Indianapolis · 1 подсказка
lu.lu! is one of 10 Savory Ice Creams to Sample This Summer.

5. lu.lu!

11 Main St, Bristol, VT
Заведение с мороженым · Подсказок и отзывов: 8
Salt & Straw is one of 10 Savory Ice Creams to Sample This Summer.

6. Salt & Straw

3345 SE Division St (at SE 33rd Ave), Портленд, OR
Заведение с мороженым · Подсказок и отзывов: 128
OddFellows Ice Cream Co. is one of 10 Savory Ice Creams to Sample This Summer.

7. OddFellows Ice Cream Co.

175 Kent Ave (btwn N 3rd & N 4th St), Бруклин, NY
Заведение с мороженым · Williamsburg · Подсказок и отзывов: 231
China Live is one of 10 Savory Ice Creams to Sample This Summer.

8. China Live

644 Broadway, Сан-Франциско, CA
Китайский ресторан · North Beach · Подсказок и отзывов: 56

Fodor's TravelFodor's Travel: Earthy toasted sesame soft serve ice cream at China Live is topped with rice powder, mango shave ice, and yogurt-flavored boba for a fun and not-too-sweet treat.

Ultimate Ice Cream Company is one of 10 Savory Ice Creams to Sample This Summer.

9. Ultimate Ice Cream Company

195 Charlotte St, Эшвилл, NC
Заведение с мороженым · Подсказок и отзывов: 7

Fodor's TravelFodor's Travel: Try the Bloody Mary sorbet made with smoked tomatoes and fresh cracked pepper or the candied bacon that adds a salty accent to sweet corn ice cream.

Mason's Creamery is one of 10 Savory Ice Creams to Sample This Summer.

10. Mason's Creamery

4401 Bridge Ave (W 44th Street), Кливленд, OH
Заведение с мороженым · Detroit - Shoreway · Подсказок и отзывов: 19

Fodor's TravelFodor's Travel: Flavors change daily at Mason’s Creamery, but you’ll always find a savory option like waffle batter ice cream with fried chicken skins, caramelized onion, or even Spam.