Carl : понравившиеся места
Casina Pio IV is one of Carl : понравившиеся места.

1. Casina Pio IV

Vatican City
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Carl G.Carl Griffin: Pleasant apartment overlooking the gardens.

Santo Stefano degli Abissini is one of Carl : понравившиеся места.

2. Santo Stefano degli Abissini

Vatican City
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Carl G.Carl Griffin: Very simple architecture and interior.

Tourist Information Office is one of Carl : понравившиеся места.

3. Tourist Information Office

Piazza San Pietro, Vatican City
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Carl G.Carl Griffin: Very good gift shop.

4. Ufficio Filatelico E Numismatico

Piazza Santa Marta, Città Del Vaticano
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Carl G.Carl Griffin: Great place to pick up some momentoes or gifts.

Palazzo Apostolico is one of Carl : понравившиеся места.

5. Palazzo Apostolico

Via di Belvedere, Ватикан
Правительственное здание · Подсказок и отзывов: 3

Carl G.Carl Griffin: Watch the Swiss guards.

Cortile di San Damaso is one of Carl : понравившиеся места.

6. Cortile di San Damaso

Vatican City
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Carl G.Carl Griffin: Interesting apartments on each side.

7. KC Radio Rome

st Pieterplein, Ватикан
Радиостанция · 1 подсказка

Carl G.Carl Griffin: The Vatican's own radio station.

Geheimarchiv des Vatikans is one of Carl : понравившиеся места.

8. Geheimarchiv des Vatikans

Книжный магазин · Stato della Città del Vaticano · Подсказок и отзывов: 2

Carl G.Carl Griffin: Absolutely stunning books.

9. Libreria Editrice Vaticana

Vatican City
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Carl G.Carl Griffin: Very beautiful books.

Poste Vaticane is one of Carl : понравившиеся места.

10. Poste Vaticane

Viale Vaticano, Vatican City, Città del Vaticano
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Carl G.Carl Griffin: Pick up some Vatican stamps.

Chiesa di Sant'Anna in Vaticano is one of Carl : понравившиеся места.

11. Chiesa di Sant'Anna in Vaticano

Via di Porta Angelica, 1, Ватикан
Церковь · Подсказок и отзывов: 3

Carl G.Carl Griffin: One of the quieter churches in the Vatican area.

Ass.SS.Pietro e Paolo is one of Carl : понравившиеся места.

12. Ass.SS.Pietro e Paolo

Città del Vaticano, Vaticano
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Carl G.Carl Griffin: Beautifully ornate interior.

Ватикан is one of Carl : понравившиеся места.

13. Ватикан

(Civitas Vaticana)
Страна · Подсказок и отзывов: 368

Carl G.Carl Griffin: Wonderful collection of museums and architecture.

Italian Garden is one of Carl : понравившиеся места.

14. Italian Garden

Сад · 1 подсказка

Carl G.Carl Griffin: Lovely water features.

15. Square Garden

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Carl G.Carl Griffin: View the Swiss guards from the gardens.

American Garden is one of Carl : понравившиеся места.

16. American Garden

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Carl G.Carl Griffin: Lovely quiet corner of the Vatican gardens.

Музей Кьярамонти is one of Carl : понравившиеся места.

17. Музей Кьярамонти

(Museo Chiaramonti)
Viale Vaticano, Vatican City, Лацио
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Carl G.Carl Griffin: The collection of busts and torsos makes you want to match the headto the body.

Sala a Croce Greca is one of Carl : понравившиеся места.

18. Sala a Croce Greca

Viale Vaticano, Vatican, Italy
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Carl G.Carl Griffin: Beautiful artwork.

Sala sobieski is one of Carl : понравившиеся места.

19. Sala sobieski

Viale Vaticano, Vatican City
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Carl G.Carl Griffin: Impressive collection of paintings.

Sala dell'Immacolata Concezione is one of Carl : понравившиеся места.

20. Sala dell'Immacolata Concezione

Viale Vaticano, Vatican City
Музей · Stato della Città del Vaticano · Подсказок и отзывов: 4

Carl G.Carl Griffin: Lovely ceilings. Don't forget to look up.

Ватиканская пинакотека is one of Carl : понравившиеся места.

21. Ватиканская пинакотека

(Pinacoteca dei Musei Vaticani)
Viale Vaticano, Vatican City, Status Civitatis Vaticanæ
Художественная галерея · Vatican City · Подсказок и отзывов: 18

Carl G.Carl Griffin: Beautiful dramatic paintings.

Cortile della Pigna is one of Carl : понравившиеся места.

22. Cortile della Pigna

Viale Vaticano, Vatican City, Italy
Памятник · Stato della Città del Vaticano · Подсказок и отзывов: 2

Carl G.Carl Griffin: The two golden globes are interesting.

Bar Caffetteria dei Musei Vaticani is one of Carl : понравившиеся места.

23. Bar Caffetteria dei Musei Vaticani

Viale Vaticano, Vatican City, Лацио
Столовая · Stato della Città del Vaticano · Подсказок и отзывов: 7

Carl G.Carl Griffin: Great place to relax after hours of visiting museums.

Pine Cone Garden is one of Carl : понравившиеся места.

24. Pine Cone Garden

Vatican City
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Carl G.Carl Griffin: The pine cone sculture is wonderful.

25. Cortile Quadrato (Musei Vaticani)

Сад скульптур · Stato della Città del Vaticano · Подсказок и отзывов: 2

Carl G.Carl Griffin: Beautiful sculptures.

Padiglione delle Carrozze is one of Carl : понравившиеся места.

26. Padiglione delle Carrozze

Viale Vaticano, Vatican City
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Carl G.Carl Griffin: Lovely garden in which to relax.

Галерея канделябров is one of Carl : понравившиеся места.

27. Галерея канделябров

(Galleria dei Candelabri)
Viale Vaticano, Vatican, Italy
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Carl G.Carl Griffin: Make sure you look at the ceiling as well as the exhibits.

Belvedere Palace is one of Carl : понравившиеся места.

28. Belvedere Palace

Vatican, Vatican
Музей · Stato della Città del Vaticano · 1 подсказка

Carl G.Carl Griffin: Stunning palace. Beautiful architecture.

Bronze Doors is one of Carl : понравившиеся места.

29. Bronze Doors

Piazza San Pietro, 00120 Rome, Vatican City
Историческое место или особо охраняемая территория · Stato della Città del Vaticano · Подсказок и отзывов: 3

Carl G.Carl Griffin: Grand entrance to the basilica.

30. Sala Rotonda

Vatican, Italy
Исторический музей · Stato della Città del Vaticano · Подсказок и отзывов: 2

Carl G.Carl Griffin: Dizzying ceiling. Beautiful architecture.