1. Desert Creek Apartments ABQ

4300 Pan American Fwy NE, Альбукерке, NM
Квартира или апартаменты · Нет подсказок или отзывов
Mario's Pizza and Ristorante is one of Estevan : понравившиеся места.

2. Mario's Pizza and Ristorante

2401 San Pedro Dr NE, Альбукерке, NM
Итальянский ресторан · Подсказок и отзывов: 14
Which Wich? Superior Sandwiches is one of Estevan : понравившиеся места.

3. Which Wich? Superior Sandwiches

2300 Central Ave SE Ste D (at Harvard Dr SE), Альбукерке, NM
Заведение с сэндвичами · University Heights · Подсказок и отзывов: 29

Estevan T.Estevan Tafoya: Pretty good sandwich spot to go to instead of Subway or something like that. Which Wich has its own special atmosphere.

The Canyon Club @ Four Hills is one of Estevan : понравившиеся места.

4. The Canyon Club @ Four Hills

911 Four Hills Rd SE (Stagecoach Rd), Альбукерке, NM
Поле для гольфа · Four Hills Village · Подсказок и отзывов: 3

Estevan T.Estevan Tafoya: Good place for events and gatherings. Very chill atmosphere with great views!

Mom's House is one of Estevan : понравившиеся места.

5. Mom's House

Альбукерке, NM
Частная квартира или дом · 1 подсказка

Estevan T.Estevan Tafoya: It's my mom's house, what's not to like?

Lovelace Rehabititation Hospital is one of Estevan : понравившиеся места.

6. Lovelace Rehabititation Hospital

505 Elm St NE, Альбукерке, NM
Больница · Подсказок и отзывов: 2

Estevan T.Estevan Tafoya: This is a very good rehabilitation center. The staff are all friendly and the equipment is state of the art. I go here for my leg and I can say that I see improvement already!

US Post Office is one of Estevan : понравившиеся места.

7. US Post Office

1135 Broadway Blvd NE (Mountain Road NE), Альбукерке, NM
Почтовое отделение · Подсказок и отзывов: 9
Tony Hillerman/Wyoming Library is one of Estevan : понравившиеся места.

8. Tony Hillerman/Wyoming Library

8205 Apache Ave NE (Wyoming & Menaul), Альбукерке, NM
Библиотека · Подсказок и отзывов: 3

Estevan T.Estevan Tafoya: My favorite library in Albuquerque. Big, with lots of seats throughput the library to kick back and enjoy a good book in! Plus the outdoor rose garden is beautiful!

Erna Ferguson Library is one of Estevan : понравившиеся места.

9. Erna Ferguson Library

3700 San Mateo Blvd NE, Альбукерке, NM
Библиотека · Подсказок и отзывов: 6

Estevan T.Estevan Tafoya: A great library but a little on the small side for the amount of people that go there

Starbucks is one of Estevan : понравившиеся места.

10. Starbucks

11120 Lomas Blvd NE, Альбукерке, NM
Кофейня · Подсказок и отзывов: 3
Starbucks is one of Estevan : понравившиеся места.

11. Starbucks

800 Broadway NE, Альбукерке, NM
Кофейня · Подсказок и отзывов: 26

Estevan T.Estevan Tafoya: Very friendly staff, great coffee, and ample seating make this a great spot to study or meet up with friends. Plus it has free wifi!

Main Library is one of Estevan : понравившиеся места.

12. Main Library

501 Copper Ave NW, Альбукерке, NM
Библиотека · Albuquerque Original Townsite · Подсказок и отзывов: 6

Estevan T.Estevan Tafoya: Good place to sit and enjoy a good book and maybe a cup of java from the cafe next door!

Elephant Bar is one of Estevan : понравившиеся места.

13. Elephant Bar

2240 Louisiana Blvd NE (at Uptown Blvd NE), Альбукерке, NM
Американский ресторан · Uptown · Подсказок и отзывов: 39
Jerry Cline Tennis Center is one of Estevan : понравившиеся места.

14. Jerry Cline Tennis Center

Альбукерке, NM
Теннисный корт · Подсказок и отзывов: 2

Estevan T.Estevan Tafoya: Very nice facility with a comfortable lounge inside. One of the best city community areas located right next to beautiful Jerry Cline Park.

Wendy's is one of Estevan : понравившиеся места.

15. Wendy's

2203 Wyoming Blvd NE (at Apache Ave NE), Альбукерке, NM
Ресторан фаст-фуд · Подсказок и отзывов: 4

Estevan T.Estevan Tafoya: I like this Wendy's since I grew up going to it. Always friendly staff and Frostys are hard to argue with...

Hot Dog on a Stick is one of Estevan : понравившиеся места.

16. Hot Dog on a Stick

6600 Menaul Boulevard, NE, Ste #40-6, Альбукерке, NM
Закусочная с хот-догами · Uptown · Подсказок и отзывов: 7

Estevan T.Estevan Tafoya: Exactly what it says on the box. Nice to get what you pay for for a change!

BRAVO! Cucina Italiana is one of Estevan : понравившиеся места.

17. BRAVO! Cucina Italiana

2220 Louisiana Blvd NE, Альбукерке, NM
Итальянский ресторан · Uptown · Подсказок и отзывов: 19

Estevan T.Estevan Tafoya: I thought the food was pretty good, sort of standard good Italian. But holy crap the cheesecake and tiramisu were flipping incredible!!! GET THEM!

Buca di Beppo is one of Estevan : понравившиеся места.

18. Buca di Beppo

6520 Americas Pkwy NE, Альбукерке, NM
Итальянский ресторан · Uptown · Подсказок и отзывов: 14

Estevan T.Estevan Tafoya: Love the family style eating and the crazy amount of food you always end up with without realizing it. Bucca can feed me deliciousness for days afterwards!

Total Wine & More is one of Estevan : понравившиеся места.

19. Total Wine & More

6701 Uptown Blvd NE, Альбукерке, NM
Винный магазин · Uptown · Подсказок и отзывов: 9

Estevan T.Estevan Tafoya: One big ass selection of booze and that's about all there is to say about that.

Uptown Albuquerque is one of Estevan : понравившиеся места.

20. Uptown Albuquerque

Альбукерке, NM
Район · Подсказок и отзывов: 2

Estevan T.Estevan Tafoya: Good shopping, generally good neighborhood, and easy access to the freeway to get anywhere you could ever need to go. Oh and there are alot of great restaurants around this area!

Smith's Food & Drug is one of Estevan : понравившиеся места.

21. Smith's Food & Drug

6001 Lomas Blvd NE (San Pedro), Альбукерке, NM
Гастроном · Подсказок и отзывов: 4

Estevan T.Estevan Tafoya: Good standard grocery store shopping. Friendly staff get you in and out quickly!

ABQ Uptown is one of Estevan : понравившиеся места.

22. ABQ Uptown

2200 Louisiana Blvd NE (Indian School RD NE), Альбукерке, NM
Торговый центр · Uptown · Подсказок и отзывов: 13

Estevan T.Estevan Tafoya: Awesome shopping and some really good restaurants!

Souper Salad is one of Estevan : понравившиеся места.

23. Souper Salad

2225 Wyoming Blvd, #C NE, Альбукерке, NM
Ресторан · Подсказок и отзывов: 4
Jerry Cline Park is one of Estevan : понравившиеся места.

24. Jerry Cline Park

7205 Constitution Ave NE (Constitution & Louisiana NE), Альбукерке, NM
Парк · Подсказок и отзывов: 3

Estevan T.Estevan Tafoya: Great spot to relax and read a book, or to jog around with your dog. Always well maintained and always a peaceful place to relax in,

Frontier Restaurant is one of Estevan : понравившиеся места.

25. Frontier Restaurant

2400 Central Ave SE (at Cornell Dr SE), Альбукерке, NM
Мексиканский ресторан · University Heights · Подсказок и отзывов: 192
Cottonwood Mall is one of Estevan : понравившиеся места.

26. Cottonwood Mall

10000 Coors Blvd NW (7 Bar Loop Rd NW), Альбукерке, NM
Торговый центр · Cottonwood Mall · Подсказок и отзывов: 15

Estevan T.Estevan Tafoya: Nice mall, too far of a drive though. But still, beats the heck out of Coronado

Sweet Tomatoes is one of Estevan : понравившиеся места.

27. Sweet Tomatoes

4901 San Mateo Blvd NE, Альбукерке, NM
Буфет · Подсказок и отзывов: 12
Clean Machine Car Wash is one of Estevan : понравившиеся места.

28. Clean Machine Car Wash

2300 4th St NW, Альбукерке, NM
Автомойка и магазин запчастей · Near North Valley · Подсказок и отзывов: 3

Estevan T.Estevan Tafoya: Pretty quick car cleaners. And no scratches which is good! Crappy location though.

Smith's Food & Drug is one of Estevan : понравившиеся места.

29. Smith's Food & Drug

8040 Academy Rd NE (at Wyoming Blvd NE), Альбукерке, NM
Гастроном · Подсказок и отзывов: 6

Estevan T.Estevan Tafoya: Loud. But otherwise a very conveniently located (for me) grocery store!