Не пропустите smoothie point, ради клубничного смузи стоило сюда забраться:-) wifi - только платный, после аэропорта Майами, в котором wifi - везде, разочаровывает:-)
Неплохой аэропорт. Понятная навигация. Бп wi-if везде. Претензии были только к работе Delta, сперва переносили рейс несколько раз и потом вовсе отменили. Гостиницу не предоставляли
Золотая карта Аэрофлота не действует на domesticрейсахDelta, поэтому даже если вы летите первым классом, как я сейчас, ожидать посадки вам все равно придется у гейта.
Get there early enough to WALK to your gate (skip the PlaneTrain). See exhibits along the moving sidewalks between concourses: nature, civil rights, global art...1.5 miles to get your steps in.
If you have time before your flight, skip the train and walk to your terminal. There is a multitude of sculptures, art, photography & historical artifacts in the walkways. Great way to pass the time.
Siempre que llego a este aeropuerto me hacen reír, principalmente en la terminal E o F hay un tipo que siempre está cantando Welcome jajajaja, todos parecen estar felices, debería ser así en todos😆
The ride sharing setup is disastrous at this airport. Walk 15 minutes. There are two lots on opposite sides of the airport. Same names and colors for spots, none tells you which actual lot youre in...
Top Dining Options: One Flew South in Concourse E; The Original El Taco in Concourse F; Paschal's Southern Cuisine and Chick-fil-A in Concourse A; SweetWater Draft House & Grill in Concourse B. \nПодробнее
The new international concourse is gorgeous! Also enjoy days when I can get from ticket counter through security& to my gate in under 30 minutes. One of the cleanest friendliest airports in the U.S
Absolutely huge airport. Find your concourse and gate and then explore. Some areas better than others in terms of shopping and places to eat/drink. Staff nicest of any airport!
If you're just passing through ATL (most are) then be sure to grab some Chick-Fil-a at the centerpoints of A or C. If you're not flying out of either gate it is still a quick tram ride from B or D.
Excelente terminal pero creo que el Wifi ya debería ser un servicio público gratuito y no pago, con suerte conseguí señal cerca de la puerta de embarque
If you have a couple of hours between flights it's worth it to hang out in the new Terminal F. It's much nicer than the rest and the service level is too. Best Delta Sky Club at the airport
Must have passed thru Atlanta airport over 200 X in past 10 years and have to compliment the ease and layout of the airport. It has always been a breeze to go between terminals and find places to eat.
Long layover? Head to concourse F for a drink/bite. The "F" is for "fancy" -- clean, quiet, gorgeous, and best food choices, plus people-watching people who are going on fancier trips than you.
Amazingly simple airport despite being among the busiest in the world. If you fly through ATL more than even once a year, you need to sign up for a credit card with Delta Sky Club access. 🥂
Worlds busiest airport but it can handle itself. You can even rent a mini suite and take a snooze cause your terminal is as far away as possible. Good food. Some power outlets to charge back up.
“Wave your hand to enjoy a quiet and gentle release of fragrance”...love these deodorizing devices in each bathroom stall, can cover up the smell of your neighboring stalls...or your own. 😱😂
I always hear horror stories about this airport but I have never had any issues. Just make sure you give yourself plenty of time to navigate the airport.
A trip through Hartsfield isn't complete without a visit to see the ridiculously flexible Exercising Man in the walkway between the T Gates and Concourse A.
Se você precisar passar a noite no aeroporto vai perceber que além de turistas que perderam a conexão o aeroporto serve de abrigo pra muitos sem-teto. É muita gente dormindo em todos os cantos!
You know how they tell you to get to the airport two hours early? Get there two earlier — this airport is massive. Notorious for the most missed connections.
There are 3 TGI Friday’s location in Concourses B, E, and T. They all carry the plant-based Beyond Burger. 🍔Staff at the E location were quick and friendly. It’s not just for vegans. Delicious!😋
go WALK between A & B terminals. coolest “chill vibe” in all of travel. More time? between A & T for Awesome art and history. Busiest airport in the world really knows how to do it. Thanks #ATL
Massive, fast, efficient airport with everything. Train is very efficient. Check terminal maps for great dining, spa, and shopping options. Can get busy. Lots of airport are a great refuge, B is best.
Se você tem cartão Amex platinum ou gold você pode usufruir da sala Sky Club da Delta. No embarque internacional perto do portão 15 tem uma. A sala e ótima e tem chuveiro com tudo (toalha, etc). Ótima
Havaalanı o kadar büyük ki içinde birkaç duraklı metro mevcut. Ayrıca terminalden araç kiralama kısmına gitmek arabayla 10 dakika sürüyor. Buna rağmen oldukça düzenli.
Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport proudly bears the distinction of being the world’s busiest and most efficient airport and has served as a valuable hub connecting various cities and countries around the globe.