Каждый вечер,в заведении играют местные рок/блюз команды.Хорош выбор местных пив.Часто проходят выступления известных банд(на 2ом этаже). Интерьер выдержан в хипстерко-шаманская.Хорошее заведение.
Обычно, билеты продают на концерты проходящие в большом зале, но если Вы хотите просто послушать блюз заходите в зал, где независимо от шоу, всегда играет блюз. От входа сразу прямо.
It's always an adventure in the House of Blues!! The stage setting is very intimate. The performers on stage could actually mingle with the crowd!! The food and drinks are very good.
The meatloaf is sooooo delicious and it was very filling as well. Perfect if you're really hungry. The live music is great I loved the atmosphere of the whole place. Staff is friendly too
I've had the chance to party in the foundation room a couple times and it's really unique !!! There is a private lounge in the back which would be the ultimate party spot for about 10 people...
The main floor of the HoB has lives acts playing all the time. It is worth coming in for a meal or drink just to enjoy the sound of true Blue musicians.
The balconies are placed quite steeply and it can be particularly difficult to see the performers at the highest level. The floor in front of the stage is ideal.
We had lunch and it was empty, so I guess it's the dinner kinda place. Don't remember the name but make sure to order the appetizer that has corn bread and shrimps. A winner
Lines for Music Hall performances can be very long; avoid the wait by dining at the restaurant, where you can enjoy Southern favorites like buttermilk fried chicken and bourbonbread pudding. \nПодробнее
We loved the ribs, gumbo. I do have to say that I have never seen A WAITER ask a table how much tip should he add to the bill -18% 20% That is the rudest thing you can do,after that I wanted $0 tip
Beware of scalpers outside the venue! I've seen kids get kicked out due to bad scalped tickets. Also, if ya don't want to be in the pit I suggest the steps that lead to the pit. Perfect view.
[Bertrand Goldberg, 1959-67] Visit the exclusive club where each of the three separate rooms is devoted to a deity and combines 11th-century artifacts with present-day treasures.
They have a lot of 18+ shows (usually earlier in the evening) so you don't have to worry about not getting in. Check online to be sure though. Tickets are cheaper online too!
Want a reserved seat? Purchase a dinner package for an upcoming show and the price of the ticket goes towards your dinner and drinks and includes a reserved seat in the Music Hall. Call 312-923-2000
Bet you didn’t know - HOB Chicago has mud from the Mississippi Delta buried under the Music Hall stage as a reminder of the blues roots of all the music gracing the stage. – Team Live Nation
Take public transportation when going to HOB Chicago! Parking can be a killer on the wallet. Just think about how much more drink money you'll have if you don't have to pay $15-$40 for parking!
General Admission seating is VERY minimal. In fact whole place is designed to get you to upgrade / spend more money than originally planned to get decent seats.
beautiful venue&great sound! better 4 smaller shows. went here for a lollapalooza event &there was no room to move! sat @ 1 of the empty tables to eat a pretzel &was told the tables were 4sale.no thx!
My burger was great, the experimental drink menu is... Just don't order the Blackberry Jack, the cranberry and blackberry liquor absolutely ruined my whiskey.
House of Blues Restaurant & Bar will temporarily close for service operations until further notice. The safety of our guests, staff, and extended community has always been our highest priority; and these decisions are never made lightly...