- Одно из 5лучших мест категории "Заведения исполнительских искусств" в Рочестер.
7 Подсказки и отзывы
- suzuki
- concerts
- instructors
- church
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- An amazing venue for the performing arts. A beautifully restored historic church.
- Cheri Trimble MillerЯнварь 24, 2014WInter Special for new students! Use code "WinterDeal" and save $20 on registration! Offer expires 2/3/2014. \nПодробнее
- Hochstein School of Music & DanceИюль 15, 2014Walk-in Registration dates for Fall lessons: August 12, 14, 26, 28, Sept. 2-4! See a Dean with no prior appt.
- You will find excellent music teachers here, particularly for violin (Suzuki method.) The building is a bit of a maze though.
- Some of the best music teachers of violin are here!
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