House of MG

House of MG

Гостиница, Индийский ресторан и Кофейня
  • Звезды
    Одно из 5лучших мест категории "Гостиницы" в Ахмадабад.
Значок «Подсказки и отзывы»13 Подсказки и отзывы
  • gujarati
  • agashiye
  • rooftop
  • thali
  • well
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  • Gomi S.
    Gomi SuppiahФевраль 19, 2019
    The vegetarian is awesome and that is all they serve and they do it well. We had a show arranged. It is loud and colourful! The building itself is a story so walkabout it!
  • Udhav H.
    Udhav HalgeriМарт 23, 2019
    Heritage place, in the old city area. Amazing decor and really good traditional gujarati food! Modi hosted the Japanese PM Shinzo Abe here!
  • Andrej D.
    Andrej DrapalМарт 10, 2014
    Excellent hotel for those that are not runing for budget no sense industrial hotels you can find everywhere. If 700INR for delicious tali on the rooftop restaurant is too much, then my name is Ghandi.
  • Priscila F.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Priscila FariasСентябрь 10, 2013
    O quarto 12 é espaçoso e tão silencioso quanto possível nesta cidade. Mas não tem janelas diretas para a rua. Deixe-as abertas, e com os ventiladores ligados para trabalhar no quarto.
  • Kushal S.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Kushal SanghviДекабрь 16, 2014
    Сколько раз довелось побывать здесь: 5+
    Definitely a must visit place while in the capital!
  • Natacha A.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Natacha AguilarАпрель 30, 2017
    Just amazing if you are in India worth the visit I feel blessed to be there!
  • S P.
    S PАпрель 14, 2023
    Best Gujarati thali in Amedabad @ Agashiye roof top hotel restaurant
  • Márcio V.
    Márcio VenturiАвгуст 28, 2017
    Was there for lunch. Definitely don't like Gujarati veggie food. $$$. Had a hard time eating in this city and felt sick for 3 days.
  • Priscila F.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Priscila FariasСентябрь 2, 2013
    Muito legal. Se vc conseguir atravessar a rua.
  • Jahnabi B.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Jahnabi BarooahАвгуст 30, 2017
    Сколько раз довелось побывать здесь: 5+
    Go to Agashiye for the lunch thali!
  • Joohi P.
    Joohi PatelИюнь 13, 2012
    Good khaana at good price!
  • Ankit S.
    Ankit ShethДекабрь 2, 2012
    Too much over prized.... The menu offered by them is worth 100-150 bucks...for the same they are charging 700 bucks... Even the food is not that great, even the ambiance is avaerage..
  • Nishit J.
    Nishit JadawalaЯнварь 16, 2012
    Had a Great Lifetime Memory with this place.
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