Running Man Tour
One mount is one of Running Man Tour.

1. One mount

일산서구 한류월드로 300, 고양시, 경기도
Парк развлечений · Подсказок и отзывов: 31

I LOVE S.I LOVE SEOUL TOUR.: Have you seen the Running man before? It's Korean variety show program. One mount is water park and shopping center, also It's shooting place of Running man. Подробнее.

Hongdae Playground is one of Running Man Tour.

2. Hongdae Playground

마포구 와우산로21길 19-3, Сеул, 서울특별시
Парк · 서교동 · Подсказок и отзывов: 33

I LOVE S.I LOVE SEOUL TOUR.: Here is shooting place of running man, And lots of Korean young people hang out in Hongdae Подробнее.