Pop in here for directions, maps or book an Amish Farmlands Tour. Ask about The Pilgrim's Pathway and follow the path to freedom. Подробнее.
Check out the E7 locomotive, featured on the CD cover of Country superstar Alan Jackson’s album, “Freight Train." Подробнее.
With close to 700 rooms, City Hall is the largest municipal building in the United States. Look up and say hi to Billy Penn. He’s kinda a local celebrity around these parts. Подробнее.
This is the only place to get free, timed Independence Hall tickets. Go on and ask, they’re friendly here! Подробнее.
During the Constitutional Conv. here, Ben Franklin wondered whether the sun carved into George Washington’s chair symbolized the rising or the setting of the new nation. He decided it was rising. Подробнее.
In Sept. of 1777, the Liberty Bell was camouflaged by hay and manure in a wagon, transported from Philadelphia & hidden here to protect it from the invading British. Подробнее.
Red-White-and-You. After you see how our favorite seamstress lived, hear more of the story via the Once Upon A Nation Storytelling Bench outside. Подробнее.
Sit at the bar with the two best bartenders ever. Joey and Carly. Also, it's just "Lancaster Airport". Подробнее.