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Adam: сохраненные места
Joystix Classic Games & Pinballs is one of Adam: сохраненные места.

1. Joystix Classic Games & Pinballs

1820 Franklin St Ste B (at Chenevert St.), Хьюстон, TX
Бар · Подсказок и отзывов: 10

IFCIFC: Houston: Pac Man Fever Fridays are only the beginning. Find your favorite old school arcade games here. Frogger anyone? -IFC Viewer

Museum of Natural and Artificial Ephemerata is one of Adam: сохраненные места.

2. Museum of Natural and Artificial Ephemerata

1808 Singleton Ave, Остин, TX
Музей · Подсказок и отзывов: 5

IFCIFC: Austin: This museum/home in East Austin features a baroque display of oddities and curiosities including Victorian lab equipment, two-bodied chickens, and Marilyn Monroe's last cigarette. -IFC Viewer Подробнее.

The Continental Club is one of Adam: сохраненные места.

3. The Continental Club

1315 S Congress Ave, Остин, TX
Рок-клуб · Подсказок и отзывов: 70

IFCIFC: Austin: It is a part of the boozy fabric of old Austin where young lovers and old timers come to dance the Texas two-step to the best live country, folk and Americana in Austin. - IFC Staff

Burlesque Hall of Fame Museum is one of Adam: сохраненные места.

4. Burlesque Hall of Fame Museum

1027 S Main St, Лас-Вегас, NV
Музей · Arts District · Подсказок и отзывов: 10

IFCIFC: Las Vegas: The history of striptease, through the eyes of Dixie Evans, "The Marilyn Monroe of Burlesque." Be sure to call ahead to see when she's working. She gives guided tours! -IFC Viewer

The Highball is one of Adam: сохраненные места.

5. The Highball

1120 S Lamar Blvd (at Treadwell St.), Остин, TX
Коктейль-бар · Zilker · Подсказок и отзывов: 122

IFCIFC: Austin: Highball Bowling is a kitsched-out 1950s bowling alley and karaoke palace. The Disco-themed karaoke room even comes with leg warmers, polyester shirts and chest hair. Fever! - IFC Staff

Casa Neverlandia is one of Adam: сохраненные места.

6. Casa Neverlandia

305 W Milton St (, Остин, TX
Художественная галерея · Bouldin Creek · Подсказок и отзывов: 4

IFCIFC: Austin: This ornate two-bedroom home is part Gaudi, part Dr. Seuss. It has a raised footbridge, fire poles, and an "Elvis in Las Vegas" room. Make reservations for a guided monthly tour. - IFC Viewer