Jake's Seafood Restaurant

Jake's Seafood Restaurant

Ресторан морепродуктов$$$$
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  • Andrew M.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Andrew MooersДекабрь 1, 2017
    Excellent Clams, The Best Ever And Fresh. The Only Clams Fresher Are Still In The Sea. They Are That Good! Get A Box, Add Some ME Potato Fries Your Next Beach Vacation!
  • Kate A.
    Kate AИюль 23, 2012
    Fried whole-belly clams were super. Actually everything we tried was great. Clams, shrimp, steamed lobster, lobster rolls, French fries. Jake's fed us for an entire weekend.
  • Nancy B.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Nancy BakerФевраль 24, 2017
    All seafood, whole clams, scallops, etc plus the onion rings, cole slaw, clam chowder
  • eva
    evaОктябрь 29, 2014
    Jakes's has cheap and delicious breakfast starting at 5am. 2 eggs, bacon and homemade muffin for less than $5
  • Doreen N.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Doreen NicastroМай 3, 2015
    Clean, delicious fish tacos!
  • Nancy B.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Nancy BakerФевраль 19, 2017
    Great whole belly clams and scallops!
  • Craig C.
    Craig CИюль 11, 2013
    Why dont lobster rolls ever go down in price? Live lobsters are 3.99-4.99 yet lobster rolls are still 12.99-14.99 everywhere
  • Ashlee W.
    Ashlee WangСентябрь 9, 2013
    Great lobster roll! Must try
  • Michael D.
    Michael DuboisИюнь 13, 2015
    Onion rings are excellent
  • Stefanie C.
    Stefanie CagnoАвгуст 24, 2013
    Not a big selection for non-seafood eaters. BLT was average, onion rings cold, shell in lobster roll, chowder bland. Not sure if off night or if service has slipped since we last ate here in 2011.
  • Alyssa D.
    Alyssa DИюль 20, 2012
    This place was very disappointing. Pretty expensive lobster roll for being a place with an order and pick up window. My lobster roll had fin still in it and hurt when I bit down. Overall pricey!
  • Nancy B.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Nancy BakerИюль 11, 2019
    Now open- called Spinnaker Seafood
  • JD M.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    JD MaloneСентябрь 10, 2017
    Service has a little to be desired but the food is good.
  • kathi q.
    kathi quickСентябрь 3, 2014
    Great fried haddock sandwich!
  • Laura K.
    Laura KИюль 6, 2010
    Best seafood take-out close enough to walk to the beach and eat!
  • Annie Q.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Annie QuimbyМарт 28, 2014
    Food here is DEEELISH!
  • Jean
    JeanАвгуст 16, 2012
    Best Lobster Rolls in OGT/Wells !
  • Grant M.
    Grant MurphyАвгуст 12, 2012
    Hazelnut coffee is delish.
  • Megan P.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Megan PОктябрь 12, 2016
    Service wasn't great-girl at the counter was rude in my opinion. Food was fine, not fabulous. Nothing amazing about this place.
  • Patricia A.
    Patricia AugerАвгуст 19, 2013
    Not the greatest...fried clams tasted like the grease was old.
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