Shunji balances sushi & hot dishes at an attainable price in an old Depression-era chili restaurant. The sashimi plate, nigiri sushi, and tomato agadashi are worth the admission fee. [Eater 38 Member] Подробнее.
Nothing on the short menu is particularly weak, but the desserts are extremely strong, especially the iconic coconut bavarois. [Eater 38 Member] Подробнее.
A good place to hit during the weekday for an amaro and plate of burrata, the service is always going to be top notch. The pastas or main dishes are prepared to perfection. [Eater 38 Member] Подробнее.
There are more than a dozen outstanding Korean restaurants in Koreatown. The lunchtime bossam is a great deal while the stews, fish, and pancakes are all top drawer. [Eater 38 Member] Подробнее.
The best quality meats, the best marinades, only the most essential banchan, and an ambiance lifted straight out of a street-side spot in Seoul. [Eater 38 Member] Подробнее.
The Bistecca alla Fiorentina would make grown carnivores cry. The house charcuterie is fantastic while other dishes like the bone marrow pie defy any person's sense of moderation. [Eater 38 Member] Подробнее.
Ari Taymor's first venture is dedicated to impeccably sourced hyper-local ingredients presented in a rather unique and innovative manner. [Eater 38 Member] Подробнее.