Los postres de ahora 2014 y los especiales de los fines de semana, es lo mejor y más exquisito que he probado en mi vida... Felicitaciones a la Pastry Chef nada mejor...
Johnny Vinczencz's food is always recognizable by familiar flavors rooted in our country's regional cuisines - just disguised with worldly-wise additions & daring dashes of gastronomic ingenuity.
Johnny V's takes your average chicken, rolls it around in a Captain Crunch crust, fries it, and serves the delicious concoction atop a classic waffle with maple syrup and served with melon and berries
Every Sunday morning, the chefs at Johnny V's coats its chicken in a layer of Captain Crunch crust, throws it in the fryer, and sticks it on a classic waffle with some good ole maple syrup. \nПодробнее
Johnny V serves up scintillating plates like duck breast meatballs with pesto, pine nuts, portobello mash and demi-glace - See more at: http://flmag.com/johnny-v%E2%80%A8#sthash.YOS9FVgN.dpuf
Usually when you go to a restaurant by a chef that was on tv, you may be underwhelmed, but this place was actually pretty great. If you're in the area go to this place. You'll be glad you did.
Johnny V on Las Olas returns to the Battle! Last year at BBII, their entry achieved Burger Nirvana! GM Nate says...The Johnny V Team is ready to battle! \nПодробнее