Jus : понравившиеся места
Tholos is one of Jus : понравившиеся места.

1. Tholos

Αγίων Δέκα 36, Ханья, Χανιά
Греческий ресторан · Подсказок и отзывов: 11

Jus T.Jus Ti: One of the greatest I went to while in Chania and planning on coming back this summer.

Mesostrato is one of Jus : понравившиеся места.

2. Mesostrato

Ζαμπελίου 37, Ханья, Χανιά
Греческий ресторан · Подсказок и отзывов: 14

Jus T.Jus Ti: Great food, superb decorations, the greatest waiters. I can't wait to be back!!!

Steki is one of Jus : понравившиеся места.

3. Steki

Αγίων Δέκα 5, Ханья, Χανιά
Греческий ресторан · Подсказок и отзывов: 12

Jus T.Jus Ti: Great food, nice waiter, and will be back this summer!!

Avenida is one of Jus : понравившиеся места.

4. Avenida

Matyi 2 (Most Dworcowy, Dworcowa), Познань, Великопольское воеводство
Торговый центр · Wilda · Подсказок и отзывов: 39

Jus T.Jus Ti: The most convenient and always on my way. I don't even need to leave for the city to look for something else cuz Avenida has it all in one.

Wrocław Copernicus Airport (WRO) is one of Jus : понравившиеся места.

5. Wrocław Copernicus Airport (WRO)

ul. Graniczna 190, Вроцлав, Нижнесилезское воеводство
Аэропорт · Подсказок и отзывов: 105

Jus T.Jus Ti: Easy and clear to get through. I already booked tickets for summer from there. I only wish getting there was more convenient, bus from the center is taking too long. But that's not a big deal at all!

Nasza Pączkarnia is one of Jus : понравившиеся места.

6. Nasza Pączkarnia

ul. Świdnicka 24, Вроцлав, Нижнесилезское воеводство
Пончиковая · Подсказок и отзывов: 20

Jus T.Jus Ti: One of the best places I went to especially that I love donuts. Never ate them warm and I should have they were really yummy!