Karen Barwick, DDS and Associates

Karen Barwick, DDS and Associates

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  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickФевраль 7, 2013
    Kids have 20 teeth that aren't permanent and will fall out to make room for 32 permanent teeth. It is vital to teach kids at a young age the importance of taking care of their teeth to prevent decay.
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickОктябрь 15, 2012
    Whether diet or high octane, sodas contain citric acid that causes erosion of tooth enamel. Sports drinks and wine can do the same thing. Use a straw, drink a water chaser, or kick the habit entirely.
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickОктябрь 9, 2012
    A systematic review comparing power toothbrushes found brushes w/ a rotation oscillation action reduced plaque & gingivitis more than those with a side to side action in the short term (4-12 weeks). \nПодробнее
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickИюнь 22, 2012
    Did you know each school year 1,611,000 days are missed nationwide due to dental problems. Take care of your teeth & have a fantastic summer! Of course, you can always schedule your appt. for summer!
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickМай 27, 2013
    Remembering those who made the ultimate sacrifice for freedom. Thank you to those who have served or serve today to continue to protect our freedom.
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickСентябрь 14, 2012
    What are your plans for the weekend? If you live in the Alamance Co. area, be sure to visit the Carousel Fest. Such a great time to make some fun memories that will make you smile!
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickАвгуст 24, 2012
    Did you know that next month, Dr. Barwick celebrates 25 years of practicing in Graham? Be sure to stop by to say hello and leave a note in the card in the waiting room.
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickОктябрь 1, 2012
    Have bad breath? Thomas Vicery, a 17th century surgeon said: "Wash the mouth w/ water and vinegar. Chew mastic (a tree resin), then wash the mouth w/ anise seeds, mints and cloves soaked in wine."
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickИюль 25, 2012
    We love to see your smiling faces at Dr. Barwick & Associates. Call to make your appointment. We are now taking new patients by referral only.
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickСентябрь 27, 2012
    The DATC program offers access, not only to our patients in a day to day setting, but also in the radiology and clinical portion of the program makes it more like an employment situation.
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickИюль 3, 2012
    Ages 2-17 with a dental visit in the past year: 74.1% . Ages 18-64 was 65.3%. Ages 65+ with a dental visit in the past ear: 56.4% Taking care of your teeth is a important!
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickИюнь 26, 2012
    A tooth that has been knocked out starts to die within 15 minutes, but if you put it in milk or hold it in your mouth it will survive longer. See a dentist ASAP!
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickМай 7, 2012
    For fun facts, FAQs, pictures and more, be sure to join us on FB. You can find us at https://www.facebook.com/pages/DRS-BARWICK-GADDIS-DDS-General-and-Family-Dentistry/108818115816803
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickАвгуст 9, 2012
    If proper brushing and flossing are ignored, the tooth will get decay under the filling or crown. This will require a new filling or crown and possibly create the need for a root canal.
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickИюнь 28, 2012
    Fluoride is naturally present in all water. Community water fluoridation is the addition of fluoride to adjust the natural fluoride concentration of a community's water supply.
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickИюль 24, 2012
    Did you know that the Elephant grinds down its molars and grows new ones. This happens six times in its lifetime! Also, the elephant's molar is about 7" square!!!
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickНоябрь 14, 2012
    What are you thankful for? Most of us have a long list of things for which to give thanks--so be sure to smile often and love deeply!
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickИюль 18, 2012
    Americans spend nearly three billion dollars a year on gum, mints, and mouth rinses to sweeten their breath. About 60% of women and 50% of men say they use breath freshening products.
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickМай 10, 2012
    Ever wonder how you can help tooth sensitivity? Here are a few tips:These can include:Use a very soft bristle tooth brushBrush correctly Use toothpaste formulated to help reduce sensitivity
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickМай 31, 2012
    Looking for a job that offers you the opportunity to interact with and benefit others and always learn something new? Then check out www.datcinc.com to learn how to become a dental assistant.
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickИюнь 21, 2012
    Looking for a great summer read? Check out this book by one of our family members here at Dr. Barwick & Gaddis: http://www.buckscountypublishing.com/portal/BookStore/AHotDrySpell.aspx
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickМай 23, 2012
    Did you know that only the common cold beats tooth decay as the most prevalent disease in the U.S. – even though a third of us make it all the way to the age of 17 without ever getting a cavity.
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickОктябрь 24, 2012
    American scholar Warren Bennis said: “The lessons of the ordinary are everywhere. Truly profound and original insights are to be found only in studying the exemplary.”
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickМай 15, 2012
    Happy toothsday! Seriously, we hope you are having a great day. Please feel free to give us a call if you have any dental questions. We would love to hear from you!
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickИюнь 14, 2012
    Chewing gum can help eliminate food particles caught between teeth after a meal and also helps prevent plaque build up by stimulating saliva production. Just be sure the gum is sugar-free!
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickАвгуст 27, 2012
    Fill in the blanks: When I go to the dentist, I always bring my ____My favorite part of the dentist visit is __________ I think that __________ is/are qualities of a great dentist visit.
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickСентябрь 26, 2012
    Brushing your teeth, flossing and regular checkups are all a part of good dental hygiene! Call the office if you have any questions about dental maintenance.
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickОктябрь 26, 2012
    When cleaning teeth, research shows that patients look for the following outcomes: Removal of dirt and debris, Freshening of the mouth and breath, Protection of teeth and gums & Whiter teeth.
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickАвгуст 17, 2012
    Did you know that next month, Dr. Barwick celebrates 25 years of practicing in Graham? Be on the lookout for That Was Then & This is Now pics!
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickОктябрь 25, 2012
    Always let your dentist know if you are experiencing any pain or discomfort with your teeth, from being over-sensitive to heat or cold, a dry mouth, your gums bleed when you brush your teeth,etc...
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickАвгуст 8, 2012
    DATC Session 7 is underway, but we are already taking applications for session 8. Want to learn about being a Dental Assistant? Call 336-223-6080 to learn how you can become a DA1 in 12 Sat. sessions.
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickНоябрь 1, 2012
    Follow us on our other social media sites-FB, Twitter, Google+ and Linked In---we would love to have you!
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickИюнь 20, 2012
    Many dentist agree that raisins can cause more tooth decay than chocolate. Sticky foods, such as raisins and dried fruits, can stay on the teeth longer and cause more decay.
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickСентябрь 10, 2012
    There is plenty of time to sign up for the Dental Assistant Training Center-call our office to learn how to become a DA1in just 12 weeks!
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickСентябрь 28, 2012
    A good neighbor is a fellow who smiles at you over the back fence, but doesn’t climb over it. - Arthur Baer Smiling--the weekend is nearly here!
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickАвгуст 28, 2012
    Removing tarter or calculus can make teeth feel light. Not removing the tarter and calculus will result in gum disease. When gum disease gets severe, the bone holding the teeth in place is eaten away.
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickМай 4, 2012
    Eighty percent of the U.S. population has some form of periodontal gum disease. Take care of your teeth. If you have any questions, be sure to call the office of Drs. Barwick & Gaddis.
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickИюнь 1, 2012
    Fun Fact Friday: Chewing gum can prevent cavities? Chewing gum made from xylitol (found in birch trees) helps prevent cavities. Chewing gum also increases saliva which protects the teeth from decay.
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickМай 8, 2012
    3 sodas - the number of sodas that increase tooth decay by 62% Take care of your teeth simply by swapping the soda for a healthier choice like milk or water.
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickАвгуст 14, 2012
    Soft bristled toothbrushes are preferred as they get teeth clean & do not damage the teeth or the gums.Hard bristled toothbrushes can cause gum tissue to shrink away and can wear away tooth structure.
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickМай 16, 2012
    Do you receive the monthly newsletter from Drs. Barwick & Gaddis? If you do not and would like to do so, please send your e-mail address in a message, and we will add you to the list. Thanks!
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickИюнь 6, 2012
    Know anyone interested in a career change? Tell them to check out the Dental Assistant Training Center. Call 336-223-60812 or visit www.datcinc.com to learn more.
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickИюль 23, 2012
    According to a Gallup Poll, dentistry is the 5th most trusted profession in America & that dentists generally get high marks from consumers for their interpersonal skills and delivery of quality care.
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickСентябрь 18, 2012
    Fun Fact: In Egypt, mummies have been found with tooth fillings of resin and malachite. Loose teeth were held together with gold wire.
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickИюль 16, 2012
    www.datcinc.com: Check out DATC to learn how to become a DA1 in just 12 Saturday sessions. There are just 2 spaces left in Session 7 which begins July28; Orientation is Thurs. July 19 at 6pm.
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickИюнь 15, 2012
    Fun Fact Friday: Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body. However, we do not recommend that you use your pearly whites to open bottle caps!
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickОктябрь 2, 2012
    Routine: Regular teeth cleaning at morning and night is believed to guard against decay, and act as a precaution, ensuring longer-term health and hygiene.
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickСентябрь 5, 2012
    Wisdom teeth need to be extracted when there are issues with the teeth - for instance, the tooth is impacted, infected, has a cavity or decay, or there is not room for the tooth in the jaw bone.
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickИюль 26, 2012
    Did you know that the average American consumes 600 cans of soda a year? Reducing that number by even a 1/3 can make a difference in your dental health.
  • Karen B.
    Karen BarwickИюнь 12, 2012
    Here at Drs. Barwcik & Gaddis our staff take frequent continuing ed classes so you can be sure that we are always ready to handle any dental issue.
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