"Se for pegar o Ônibus da Azul, procure um conduzido pelo divertidíssimo Railson!!"
Международный аэропорт
· Кампинас, Бразилия
7.3"Se for fazer uma encomenda combine com antecedência um desconto-atraso"
· Кампу-Гранди, Бразилия
8.5"Huge arena with lots of expensive food and beverage huts! Restrooms are huge and the arena display is awesome"
"Free Wi-Fi!!! Good books on Borders"
Торговый центр
· Лейквуд, США
7.6"Wait for your table on the second floor, playing billiards and watching football on a nice huge flat TV. Nice buffalo sirloin! Give it a try!"
· Breckenridge, США
5.9"Expensive parking, wonderful snow and trails!! Try the black trails on the Blue Sky Basin, with open spaces and high, high speed!"
Горнолыжный курорт
· Vail, США