Harvey Nichols is one of England.

1. Harvey Nichols

21 New Cathedral Street, Manchester
Универмаг · City Centre · Подсказок и отзывов: 18
Nuffield Health Fitness & Wellbeing Gym is one of England.

2. Nuffield Health Fitness & Wellbeing Gym

Kingston Park, Кингстон-апон-Халл, Kingston upon Hull
Тренажерный зал · Подсказок и отзывов: 6
The Prince Bonaparte is one of England.

3. The Prince Bonaparte

80 Chepstow Rd, Лондон, Большой Лондон
Паб · Bayswater · Подсказок и отзывов: 31
Park Plaza Westminster Bridge is one of England.

4. Park Plaza Westminster Bridge

200 Westminster Bridge Rd, Lambeth, Лондон, Большой Лондон
Гостиница · Waterloo · Подсказок и отзывов: 184
Next is one of England.

5. Next

Ferensway (Ferensway), Кингстон-апон-Халл, Kingston upon Hull
Магазин одежды · Подсказок и отзывов: 2
Eltham Palace and Gardens is one of England.

6. Eltham Palace and Gardens

Court Rd, Eltham, Большой Лондон
Историческое место или особо охраняемая территория · Подсказок и отзывов: 20

Louis VuittonLouis Vuitton: This glamorous Art Deco London showpiece as built in 1936, next to the remains of a medieval royal palace, and surrounded by 19 acres of garden. A striking visit!

Лондонский Тауэр is one of England.

7. Лондонский Тауэр

(Tower of London)
5 Great Tower St, Лондон, Большой Лондон
Замок · Подсказок и отзывов: 581

Louis VuittonLouis Vuitton: The best place to visit if you want to learn more about London’s history. And of course it houses the Crown Jewels, the most famous jewellery collection in the world

Тауэрский мост is one of England.

8. Тауэрский мост

(Tower Bridge)
Tower Bridge Rd, Лондон, Большой Лондон
Мост · Подсказок и отзывов: 467

Louis VuittonLouis Vuitton: This iconic London landmark even has a private venue for hire, with wonderful views over the City. Is it London’s most stylish party venue?

The Argyle is one of England.

9. The Argyle

1 Greville Street (at Leather Ln), Лондон, Большой Лондон
Паб · Holborn and Covent Garden · Подсказок и отзывов: 18
The Driver is one of England.

10. The Driver

2-4 Wharfdale Rd, Лондон, Большой Лондон
Гастропаб · Caledonian · Подсказок и отзывов: 20
Royal Academy of Arts is one of England.

11. Royal Academy of Arts

50-52 Piccadilly, Лондон, Большой Лондон
Музей искусств · Mayfair · Подсказок и отзывов: 134

Louis VuittonLouis Vuitton: Visit the annual summer exhibition, which is London’s largest open submission art exhibition. It has been going for 242 years, and is an incredible collection of established and emerging artists.

House of Fraser is one of England.

12. House of Fraser

101 Victoria St, Лондон, Большой Лондон
Универмаг · City of Westminster · Подсказок и отзывов: 12
Covent Garden Market is one of England.

13. Covent Garden Market

The Piazza, Лондон, Большой Лондон
Шопинг-плаза · City of Westminster · Подсказок и отзывов: 375

Louis VuittonLouis Vuitton: The market is bustling with shoppers, tourists and performers on the weekend. Except for the many restaurants and cafes, there is also the famous Royal Opera.

Park Plaza County Hall is one of England.

14. Park Plaza County Hall

1 Addington Street, Lambeth, Лондон, Большой Лондон
Гостиница · Waterloo · Подсказок и отзывов: 47
Лондонский глаз is one of England.

15. Лондонский глаз

(The London Eye)
The Queen's Walk (Belvedere Rd), Лондон, Большой Лондон
Аттракцион · Waterloo · Подсказок и отзывов: 969

Louis VuittonLouis Vuitton: The best place to sip champagne in one of the 32 capsules and watch the sun go down over London.

Трафальгарская площадь is one of England.

16. Трафальгарская площадь

(Trafalgar Square)
Trafalgar Sq, Лондон, Большой Лондон
Площадь · Piccadilly · Подсказок и отзывов: 552

Louis VuittonLouis Vuitton: A wonderful place for people watching on a sunny day or as a romantic meeting place at dusk, but look out for the pigeons. A visit to the National Gallery is also highly recommended.

Sotheby's is one of England.

17. Sotheby's

34-35 New Bond St, Лондон, Большой Лондон
Аукционный дом · Mayfair · Подсказок и отзывов: 21

Louis VuittonLouis Vuitton: This top address for fine art, this famous auction house has many regular and exciting auctions – get bidding!

Букингемский дворец is one of England.

18. Букингемский дворец

(Buckingham Palace)
Buckingham Palace Rd, Лондон, Большой Лондон
Дворец · Green Park · Подсказок и отзывов: 609

Louis VuittonLouis Vuitton: While the daily changing of the guards is a tourist magnet, this majestic palace is a London icon and home of the Queen. You know that she is in residence when the flag is flying above the palace!

Ж/д вокзал Виктория (VIC) is one of England.

19. Ж/д вокзал Виктория (VIC)

(London Victoria Railway Station)
Buckingham Palace Rd, Лондон, Большой Лондон
Железнодорожная станция · City of Westminster · Подсказок и отзывов: 302
Hard Rock Cafe London is one of England.

20. Hard Rock Cafe London

150 Old Park Ln (at Piccadilly), Лондон, Большой Лондон
Американский ресторан · Mayfair · Подсказок и отзывов: 317
Little Italy is one of England.

21. Little Italy

22 Old London Rd, Кингстон-апон-Темс, Большой Лондон
Итальянский ресторан · Подсказок и отзывов: 10
Тауэрский мост is one of England.

22. Тауэрский мост

(Tower Bridge)
Tower Bridge Rd, Лондон, Большой Лондон
Мост · Подсказок и отзывов: 467

23. Гринвичский парк

(Greenwich Park)
Maze Hill (Charlton Way), Лондон, Большой Лондон
Парк · Greenwich West · Подсказок и отзывов: 174

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: In 1894 a French anarchist named Martial Bourdin was carrying a bomb through the park to the Observatory when it exploded and killed him. No one knows why he had decided to target the Observatory.

Гринвичская обсерватория is one of England.

24. Гринвичская обсерватория

(Royal Observatory)
Blackheath Ave, Лондон, Большой Лондон
Обсерватория · Greenwich West · Подсказок и отзывов: 93

Louis VuittonLouis Vuitton: Set in a stunning park, and sitting precisely on the Prime Meridian of the world, the Royal Observatory is a great way to spend an afternoon in South London.

National Maritime Museum is one of England.

25. National Maritime Museum

Park Row, Лондон, Большой Лондон
Исторический музей · Greenwich West · Подсказок и отзывов: 73

LondonistLondonist: Our favourite exhibit is the scale model of Cook's first voyage, including tiny, named figurines of all the crew on board.

Canary Wharf is one of England.

26. Canary Wharf

Лондон, Большой Лондон
Район · Подсказок и отзывов: 60

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: The name of this place has nothing to do with birds, but with the exotic goods that were once brought here from the Canary Islands. Canary comes from the Latin ‘canaria’, so ‘Islands of the dogs’.

Potters Fields Park is one of England.

27. Potters Fields Park

Potters Fields (Tooley St), Лондон, Большой Лондон
Парк · Riverside · Подсказок и отзывов: 13
City Hall (Greater London Authority) is one of England.

28. City Hall (Greater London Authority)

The Queen's Walk, Лондон, Большой Лондон
Городская администрация · Riverside · Подсказок и отзывов: 29

LondonistLondonist: If the till person in the cafe asks 'are you staff', say "Yes," without hesitation, to receive a discount. They don't check.

29. Квадратная миля / Лондонский Сити

(The Square Mile | City of London)
Большой Лондон, Большой Лондон
Город · Подсказок и отзывов: 33

Patrick M.Patrick McFadden: Unless you are a tourist or have a penchant for Bankers, avoid this place like the plague.

The London Dungeon is one of England.

30. The London Dungeon

Westminster Bridge Rd (Belvedere Rd), Лондон, Большой Лондон
Исторический музей · Waterloo · Подсказок и отзывов: 127

Chelsea S.Chelsea Snyder: Jack the Ripper is the best scene!!!

Лондонский мост is one of England.

31. Лондонский мост

(London Bridge)
A3 London Bridge (btwn City of London & Southwark), Лондон, Большой Лондон
Мост · City of London · Подсказок и отзывов: 139

BBC World ServiceBBC World Service: We've got a documentary on the history of London Bridge available to listen to while you are here. Click this tip to get the mp3 Подробнее.

Музей Лондона is one of England.

32. Музей Лондона

(Museum of London)
150 London Wall, Лондон, Большой Лондон
Исторический музей · Aldersgate · Подсказок и отзывов: 146
Собор Святого Павла is one of England.

33. Собор Святого Павла

(St Paul's Cathedral)
St Paul's Church Yard, Лондон, Большой Лондон
Церковь · City of London · Подсказок и отзывов: 282

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: The first national lottery was held in 1569, and the result was announced at the west door of (the old) St.Paul’s cathedral. It is unknown if the winner let it change him.

Мост Миллениум is one of England.

34. Мост Миллениум

(Millennium Bridge)
Millennium Bridge (btwn St Paul's and Bankside), Лондон, Большой Лондон
Мост · South Bank · Подсказок и отзывов: 154

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: The bridge had to close within days of its opening in 2000 because of a slight wobble, which caused people to walk in step with each other, causing the wobble to become much worse!

Тейт Модерн is one of England.

35. Тейт Модерн

(Tate Modern)
53 Bankside, Лондон, Большой Лондон
Музей искусств · Подсказок и отзывов: 816

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: The Bankside Power Station was built as a ‘cathedral of power’ in 1963, but closed in 1981. It reopened as one of Europe’s finest modern art galleries in 2000. The Turbine Hall is 35m high.

Blackfriars Bridge is one of England.

36. Blackfriars Bridge

Blackfriars Bridge, Лондон, Большой Лондон
Мост · South Bank · Подсказок и отзывов: 24

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: The downstream (seaward) side of the bridge is decorated with stone sculptures of sea birds, whilst the upstream side is decorated with fresh water birds.

Imperial War Museum is one of England.

37. Imperial War Museum

Lambeth Rd, London, Большой Лондон
Исторический музей · Lambeth, London, Greater London · Подсказок и отзывов: 139
Somerset House is one of England.

38. Somerset House

Strand, Лондон, Большой Лондон
Место проведения мероприятий · City of Westminster · Подсказок и отзывов: 154

Louis VuittonLouis Vuitton: Even if you are not visiting one of the many exhibitions and events organised here throughout the year, come to sit in its beautiful and quiet neoclassical courtyard away from London’s busy streets.

Ватерлоо is one of England.

39. Ватерлоо

(Waterloo Bridge)
Waterloo Bridge, Лондон, Большой Лондон
Мост · London · Подсказок и отзывов: 75

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: The second bridge here was completed in 1945. Because there was a war on, much of the work was carried out by women and so this used to be known as ‘the ladies’ bridge’.

Британская библиотека is one of England.

40. Британская библиотека

(British Library)
96 Euston Rd, Лондон, Большой Лондон
Библиотека · Подсказок и отзывов: 182

LondonistLondonist: The temporary exhibitions are always worth a look, no more so than the current Maps exhibition. Reasonably good for free wifi, but can be patchy. Love the quirky gift shop.

Площадь Рассел-сквер is one of England.

41. Площадь Рассел-сквер

(Russell Square)
Russell Sq, Лондон, Большой Лондон
Площадь · Bloomsbury · Подсказок и отзывов: 65

BenBen: A lovely place to go on a summers day. It does quite busy with all the students nearby though. There is also a little fountain in the middle.

Hungerford & Golden Jubilee Bridges is one of England.

42. Hungerford & Golden Jubilee Bridges

Btwn Embankment & Waterloo, Лондон, Большой Лондон
Мост · Charing Cross · Подсказок и отзывов: 50

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: These award-winning footbridges opened in 2002. The engineers had to contend with the Bakerloo Line just under the river, and the risk of unexploded WW2 bombs in the riverbed!

Британский музей is one of England.

43. Британский музей

(British Museum)
Great Russell St (btwn Montague & Bloomsbury St), Лондон, Большой Лондон
Исторический музей · Bloomsbury · Подсказок и отзывов: 1007

USA TODAYUSA TODAY: The British Museum has more than 7 million objects from every continent, some of which have been controversial. Подробнее.

Covent Garden is one of England.

44. Covent Garden

Лондон, Большой Лондон
Район · Подсказок и отзывов: 265

Forbidden PlanetForbidden Planet: You're very close to the Best Geek Store in the World... well, we think so anyway. Find us at the top of Neal Street!

Вестминстерский мост is one of England.

45. Вестминстерский мост

(Westminster Bridge)
Westminster Bridge Rd. (Victoria Embankment), Лондон, Большой Лондон
Мост · Waterloo · Подсказок и отзывов: 115

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: Westminster Bridge is painted green, the same colour as the seats in the House of Commons, which it is nearer to. Likewise neighbouring Lambeth Bridge is painted red, the colour of the Lords.

Ж/д вокзал Чаринг-Кросс (CHX) is one of England.

46. Ж/д вокзал Чаринг-Кросс (CHX)

(Charing Cross Railway Station)
Strand, Лондон, Большой Лондон
Железнодорожная станция · Charing Cross · Подсказок и отзывов: 82

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: This place is named after a cross put here by Edward I in 1290. He erected 12 crosses in all, each marking where his queen’s body rested overnight, en route from Lincoln to burial at Westminster.

Национальная портретная галерея is one of England.

47. Национальная портретная галерея

(National Portrait Gallery)
St. Martin's Pl, Лондон, Большой Лондон
Художественная галерея · Piccadilly · Подсказок и отзывов: 192

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: One of the gallery’s most famous pictures is the Chandos portrait, which is said to be of William Shakespeare by his friend Richard Burbage. But some dispute its provenance.

Camden Town is one of England.

48. Camden Town

Лондон, Большой Лондон
Район · Подсказок и отзывов: 146

Citizens AdviceCitizens Advice: In the area around here we saw 58% more threatened homelessness related problems than last year but enquiries about social housing rent arrears were down 18%.

Трафальгарская площадь is one of England.

49. Трафальгарская площадь

(Trafalgar Square)
Trafalgar Sq, Лондон, Большой Лондон
Площадь · Piccadilly · Подсказок и отзывов: 552

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: Every year a Norway Spruce is erected here and decorated as part of the Christmas festivities. The tree is a gift of thanks from the Norwegians for Britain's support during the Second World War

Лондонская Национальная галерея is one of England.

50. Лондонская Национальная галерея

(National Gallery)
Trafalgar Sq, Лондон, Большой Лондон
Музей искусств · Piccadilly · Подсказок и отзывов: 508

LondonistLondonist: Look out for the mosaic floors in the main entrance and stairwell. Fascinating. Work by the same artist can be seen at Tate Britain.

Modern Art Oxford is one of England.

51. Modern Art Oxford

30 Pembroke St, Оксфорд, Оксфордшир
Художественная галерея · Подсказок и отзывов: 8
Royal Albert Dock is one of England.

52. Royal Albert Dock

Liverpool Waterfront, Ливерпуль, Ливерпуль
Причал или пристань для яхт · Подсказок и отзывов: 85

FlorentFlorent: have a walk & smoke some kush

Liverpool ONE is one of England.

53. Liverpool ONE

Paradise St (Wall St), Ливерпуль, Ливерпуль
Торговый центр · Central Liverpool · Подсказок и отзывов: 63
Юстонский вокзал (EUS) is one of England.

54. Юстонский вокзал (EUS)

(London Euston Railway Station)
Euston Rd, Euston, Большой Лондон
Железнодорожная станция · Подсказок и отзывов: 260
The Sailmakers is one of England.

55. The Sailmakers

St Andrews Quay, Кингстон-апон-Халл, Kingston upon Hull
Паб · Подсказок и отзывов: 8
Лондонский Тауэр is one of England.

56. Лондонский Тауэр

(Tower of London)
5 Great Tower St, Лондон, Большой Лондон
Замок · Подсказок и отзывов: 581

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: From 1235 until 1835, the monarch’s personal zoo was kept at the Tower, and it included many exotic animals given as presents by other monarchs, including polar bears, leopards and elephants.

Design Museum is one of England.

57. Design Museum

28 Shad Thames, Лондон, Большой Лондон
Музей искусств · Riverside · Подсказок и отзывов: 93

LondonistLondonist: Small museum with interesting exhibits and fantastic shop. Definitely worth the entrance fee.

The Shard is one of England.

58. The Shard

32 London Bridge St, Лондон, Большой Лондон
Сооружение · Bermondsey · Подсказок и отзывов: 139

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: Standing at 310m high, the Shard will own the title of the EU's tallest building when completed in 2012. In 1098 the White Tower was named Britain's tallest building standing at a mere 27m tall.

Borough Market is one of England.

59. Borough Market

Borough High St (Bedale St), Лондон, Большой Лондон
Сельскохозяйственный рынок · South Bank · Подсказок и отзывов: 1074

Louis VuittonLouis Vuitton: Do visit this bustling food market where top London chefs come to buy their ingredients. If you don’t find it here, where will you? Open from Thursday to Saturday, but come early to avoid the crowds! Подробнее.

Park Inn by Radisson is one of England.

60. Park Inn by Radisson

Bath Rd, Лондон, Большой Лондон
Гостиница · Harlington · Подсказок и отзывов: 57
Aldgate London Underground Station is one of England.

61. Aldgate London Underground Station

Aldgate High St, Лондон, Большой Лондон
Станция метро · City of London · Подсказок и отзывов: 10