Lucky Lotus Yoga

Lucky Lotus Yoga

Fort Greene, Бруклин
Значок «Подсказки и отзывы»7 Подсказки и отзывы
  • maria
  • coffee
  • classes
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  • Nate F.
    Nate FolkertЯнварь 2, 2014
    One hour classes every week day at 12:00 pm; Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 7:00 am; and Saturday and Sunday at 3:15 pm \nПодробнее
  • Lucky Lotus Yoga
    Lucky Lotus YogaМай 20, 2015
    now you can have a class coffee and something delisious all at once bite one breath at a time evolving
  • Lucky Y.
    Lucky YogaМарт 28, 2012
    Adeeb, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 7:30-8:30am, some say it's better than coffee... try and see!
  • Nora A.
    Nora AbousteitМай 26, 2013
    Maria is the best. She plays the organ.
  • Maria A.
    Maria ArbustoАпрель 24, 2010
    Сколько раз довелось побывать здесь: 50+
    Great small studio with devotion to dharma teachings too. Classes with Maria C, Matt L and Michael H are great!
  • Nate F.
    Nate FolkertАпрель 5, 2012
    Mommy and Me Yoga class Tuesdays at 4pm \nПодробнее
  • Jenn C.
    Jenn C.Февраль 28, 2010
    Сколько раз довелось побывать здесь: 5+
    Go to Maria's class at 10 or 5 Sunday.
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