"If you don't try the PITA drink from the bar, then sad music will play in your head for the rest of your life. Delicious!"
Американский ресторан
· Ки-Уэст, США
8.2"Consider purchasing something coffee-related here."
"I highly recommend putting food in your cart that you intend to purchase, and then taking it to the registers to purchase."
· Саут-Бенд, США
8.5"Pretend that you're Tom Hanks and never leave the terminal."
"I recommend grabbing as much food as you can, stuffing it in your shirt, and quickly bolting out in front of the staff. All wearing a cape."
· Notre Dame, США
"Might I suggest waiting in line for hours for the bus. Totally worth it."
Международный аэропорт
· Чикаго, США