Have term papers to complete (or start)? Stop by room 240 in Raynor Library for revisions or brainstorming or make an appointment at http://marquette.mywconline.com. Подробнее.
Need a Hail Mary for your test? Fill out a prayer request for Mass at St. Joan of Arc chapel: http://go.mu.edu/mupray Подробнее.
"That place is amazing, and it’s always so comforting to be there, plus the festive decorations always make me smile.” — current student Lauren Viruete Подробнее.
Stop by the first floor of the Alumni Memorial Union for Stone Creek Coffee or Rishi loose-leaf tea. Подробнее.
Johnston Hall's posh new student lounge has big plasma screens, couches and even a kitchenette. Подробнее.