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Gainesville everything
Ben Hill Griffin Stadium is one of Gainesville everything.

1. Ben Hill Griffin Stadium

157 Gale Lemerand Dr (University of Florida), Гейнсвилл, FL
Университетское футбольное поле (амер.) · Подсказок и отзывов: 83
East End Eatery is one of Gainesville everything.

2. East End Eatery

1202 NE 8th Ave, Гейнсвилл, FL
Кафе · Подсказок и отзывов: 16
Ruby's "A Great Place To Eat" is one of Gainesville everything.

3. Ruby's "A Great Place To Eat"

308 NW 5th Ave, Gainesvile, FL
Ресторан южной кухни · Подсказок и отзывов: 2
Sweet Dreams Ice Cream is one of Gainesville everything.

4. Sweet Dreams Ice Cream

3437 W University Ave, Гейнсвилл, FL
Заведение с мороженым · Подсказок и отзывов: 29
Blue Highway Pizza is one of Gainesville everything.

5. Blue Highway Pizza

13005 SW 1st Rd (@ Tioga Town Center), Newberry, FL
Пиццерия · Подсказок и отзывов: 31

Kathleen S.Kathleen Seide: Turkey Piadine is amazing. It is kinda like a salad in a flat bread, except that adding the toasty warm flatbread bring so much goodness to it that it becomes, well, amazing : )

The Lunchbox Café at Bethel Station is one of Gainesville everything.

6. The Lunchbox Café at Bethel Station

104 SE 1st Ave, Гейнсвилл, FL
Американский ресторан · Подсказок и отзывов: 13
The Flying Biscuit Café is one of Gainesville everything.

7. The Flying Biscuit Café

4150 NW 16th Blvd (at NW 43rd St & NW 23rd Ave), Гейнсвилл, FL
Кафе для завтрака · Подсказок и отзывов: 69

JessieJessie: I usually hate grits, but these are delicious! They are an absolute must-have!

Dream Day Cakes is one of Gainesville everything.

8. Dream Day Cakes

6352 NW 18th Dr Ste 3 (near 441 and 121), Гейнсвилл, FL
Пекарня · Подсказок и отзывов: 4
Patticakes is one of Gainesville everything.

9. Patticakes

9124 SW 51st Rd, Гейнсвилл, FL
Кафе с капкейками · Подсказок и отзывов: 15