Where to stay in Hong Kong, China
The Mira Hong Kong is one of Where to stay in Hong Kong, China.

1. The Mira Hong Kong

118-130 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui (at Kimberley Rd), 尖沙咀, Kowloon City
Гостиница · Tsim Sha Tsui · Подсказок и отзывов: 89

RoomCriticRoomCritic: View real guest photos and video of The Mira Hong Kong Hotel including 5 rooms - 817, 906, 1216, 1727, 1728. Check out the rooms before you check in. Подробнее.

The Upper House is one of Where to stay in Hong Kong, China.

2. The Upper House

Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Central, 香港島
Гостиница · 中西区 · Подсказок и отзывов: 68

RoomCriticRoomCritic: View real guest photos and video of The Upper House Hong Kong Hotel including Studio Room 4107 and Upper Suite Room 4509. Check out the rooms before you check in. Подробнее.