Aspen is Awesome!
39 Degrees is one of Aspen is Awesome!.

1. 39 Degrees

709 E Durant Ave (at S. Spring St.), Аспен, CO
Бар · Подсказок и отзывов: 30
520 Grill is one of Aspen is Awesome!.

2. 520 Grill

520 E Cooper Ave #LL5, Аспен, CO
Ресторан фаст-фуд · Подсказок и отзывов: 18

Dave A.Dave Amirault: The Kale and Quinoa salad is one of the best items on the menu. You don't have to be a Birkenstock wearing, burlap grocery bag toting, granola freak to eat it either. Add bacon. Why? Why the hell not!