"Check out the on-beach bar and lounge area. Very nice scene with music food and booze."
· Атлантик-Сити, США
7.4"If you ask nicely, the roof becomes an outdoor theater after dark. Bring the ingredients and smores happens too."
Частная квартира или дом
· Queens, США
"The PB&J smoothie is awesome!"
· Astoria, США
6.9"This tasty cart is especially good after hours."
Закусочная на колесах
· Нью-Йорк, США
"Yep, you can't beat $1 buds during trivia Wednesdays! Come and make new friends or meet old acquaintnces."
· Нью-Йорк, США
6.0"Huge variety, always good at every hour, a nice place with attentive staff. not a "cheapy" diner."