
1. Spoonbill & Sugartown Books

218 Bedford Ave (at N 5th St), Бруклин, NY
Книжный магазин · Williamsburg · Подсказок и отзывов: 51

HBOHBO: Girls happened here. Run around and hang out near the shelves like Hannah and Sandy did.

Granger & Co. is one of meg.

3. Granger & Co.

175 Westbourne Gr, Лондон, Большой Лондон
Австралийский ресторан · Pembridge · Подсказок и отзывов: 523

Travel + LeisureTravel + Leisure: Arguably the best breakfast spot in town. Go all out for chef Bill Granger’s famous ricotta hotcakes, topped with sticky, molten chunks of honeycomb butter.

4. The Princeville Resort

5520 Ka Haku Rd, Кауаи, HI
Курорт · Princeville · Подсказок и отзывов: 69

Travel + LeisureTravel + Leisure: The room to book: No 808 for unobstructed views of Hanalei Bay. More of the world’s most romantic islands:

5. Jacob K. Javits Convention Center

655 W 34th St (at 11th Ave), Нью-Йорк, NY
Конференц-центр · Hell's Kitchen · Подсказок и отзывов: 149
American Philosophical Society Hall is one of meg.

6. American Philosophical Society Hall

105 S 5th St, Филадельфия, PA
Исторический музей · Center City East · Подсказок и отзывов: 6

HISTORYHISTORY: Completed in 1789, this building is home to the American Philosophical Society, the scholarly organization founded by Benjamin Franklin in 1743.

7. Staten Island Ferry Boat - Alice Austen

New York, NJ
Судно или паром · Подсказок и отзывов: 8

City of New YorkCity of New York: The Alice Austen began service in 1986. It carries 1,280 passengers with a crew of 9. It is named for Alice Austen, a Staten Island photographer.