Lawrence Jr1958
House of Blues is one of Lawrence Jr1958.

1. House of Blues

2200 N Lamar St (at N Houston St), Даллас, TX
Музыкальное заведение · Подсказок и отзывов: 132

VH1VH1: House of Blues Dallas displays the "Crazy Quilt" and keeps a metal box of mud from the Delta Mississippi underneath its stage. – Team Live Nation

3. Таймс-сквер

(Times Square)
Broadway & 7th Ave (btwn W 42nd & 47th St), Нью-Йорк, NY
Площадь · Theater District · Подсказок и отзывов: 2356

VH1VH1: Look out for the #HitTheFloor promos in Times Square and catch the series premiere Monday, May 27 at 9/8C on VH1! Подробнее.