Simple Discoveries

Simple Discoveries


Two former @NASA rocket scientists taking on the world in a #YearOfDiscovery - On a journey around the world 🚀Here's our fav spots!

Houston, TX
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  • 23 Списки
Списки пользователя по имени Simple Discoveries в городе Все города
  • Prague
  • Luang Prabang
  • Chiang Rai
  • Singapore
  • Kuala Lumpur
  • Ho Chi Minh City
  • Seoul
  • Dubai
  • Siem Reap
  • Все города
Simple Discoveries : лучшие города
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Luang Prabang
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Chiang Rai
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1 Список создан · 8 Подсказки
Kuala Lumpur
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Ho Chi Minh City
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1 Список создан · 7 Подсказки
1 Список создан · 7 Подсказки
Siem Reap
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Simple Discoveries
1 места обновлены Октябрь 18, 2016
Our favorite spots and travel tips for exploring the old time charm of Bratislava, Slovkia.
Simple Discoveries
1 места обновлены Октябрь 18, 2016
Some of our favorite spots & travel tips for exploring the amazing city of Budapest, Hungary.
Simple Discoveries
1 места обновлены Октябрь 18, 2016
Some of our favorite spots & travel tips for exploring Paris, France.
Simple Discoveries
3 места обновлены Сентябрь 24, 2016
Some of our favorite sights & top tips for exploring the beauty of Austria in the cities of Vienna & Salzburg.
Simple Discoveries
30 места обновлены Октябрь 5, 2016
30 мест(-а) в том числе Jubilejní (Jeruzalémská) synagoga, Лорета, Most Legií, Пороховая башня
Simple Discoveries
16 места обновлены Январь 7, 2021
16 мест(-а) в том числе Бурдж-Халифа, Union Metro Station, Carrefour, Gold Souq Metro Station
    Недавние подсказки от Simple Discoveries
    "Save some dough...turn around at the kiosks and go to the sales office to buy a loaded card. Office open M-F: 8-5:30 & Weekends: 8-4. Save $.25 every trip. Trains run every ~20 min to downtown."
    Simple DiscoveriesSimple Discoveries · Июль 13, 2017
    Легкорельсовая линия
    · Денвер, США
    "Want to see the penguins for free? Walk past the main entrance on the wooded boardwalk & keep on going. You'll get to a rocky area where they like to hang (but the beach is worth the $$!!)"
    Simple DiscoveriesSimple Discoveries · Декабрь 14, 2016
    · Кейптаун, ЮАР
    "Excellent craft brew & some good eats too (can't go wrong with the burgers). Try a flight of beers to pick a favorite. The kitchen told us dessert options are coming soon!"
    Simple DiscoveriesSimple Discoveries · Декабрь 14, 2016
    · Somerset West, ЮАР
    "A clean & modern airport. Going into town? Can pick up a myciti card to use on the bus for about 80 rands...or hail an Uber!"
    Simple DiscoveriesSimple Discoveries · Декабрь 14, 2016
    Международный аэропорт
    · Кейптаун, ЮАР
    "The lines should clue you in...this place has some delicious gelato! Hazelnut & Kit Kat were among our favorites. Grab a cone and enjoy on one of the benches that border the nearby green space."
    Simple DiscoveriesSimple Discoveries · Октябрь 18, 2016
    · Братислава, Словакия
    "Beautiful views of the Danube & Parliament here. Come at least 30 minutes before sunset if you want a spot to watch the city lights come up. No need to pay for the view - bottom tier is free & same."
    Simple DiscoveriesSimple Discoveries · Октябрь 18, 2016
    Историческое место или особо охраняемая территория
    · Будапешт, Венгрия