11 Best Ice Cream Sandwiches in America
Moomers Ice Cream is one of 11 Best Ice Cream Sandwiches in America.

1. Moomers Ice Cream

7263 N Long Lake Rd, Traverse City, MI
Заведение с мороженым · Подсказок и отзывов: 56

Spoon UniversitySpoon University: Not only does this place have the cutest name, but they have unreal classic chipwiches that are sure to impress. There are 160+ homemade ice cream flavors to include in your sandwich. Подробнее.

The COOLHAUS Shop is one of 11 Best Ice Cream Sandwiches in America.

2. The COOLHAUS Shop

8588 Washington Blvd (at Cattaraugus Ave.), Калвер-Сити, CA
Заведение с мороженым · McManus · Подсказок и отзывов: 73

Spoon UniversitySpoon University: With some of the most unique flavors of ice cream sandwiches, changing throughout the summer, this Culver City, California favorite is definitely one of the best around. Подробнее.

Ice & Vice is one of 11 Best Ice Cream Sandwiches in America.

3. Ice & Vice

221 E Broadway (at Clinton St), Нью-Йорк, NY
Заведение с мороженым · Lower East Side · Подсказок и отзывов: 146

Spoon UniversitySpoon University: You can use any of their homemade experimental flavors in your sammie, but if I were you I’d go with their signature “Detention Ice Cream Sandwich”. Подробнее.

4. Sweet Republic

9160 E Shea Blvd Ste 105 (at N 92nd St), Скоттсдейл, AZ
Заведение с мороженым · Via Linda Corridor · Подсказок и отзывов: 84

Spoon UniversitySpoon University: They’ve got lots of unique flavors to put between your chocolate chip cookies like Sweet Berry Cobbler and Peaches N Cream. Подробнее.

Blackbird Doughnuts is one of 11 Best Ice Cream Sandwiches in America.

5. Blackbird Doughnuts

492 Tremont St, Бостон, MA
Пончиковая · South End · Подсказок и отзывов: 54

Spoon UniversitySpoon University: The idea of bringing together doughnuts and ice cream sandwiches is a truly life-changing concept, and for that, I’d like to thank Blackbird Doughnuts. Подробнее.

Sunshine Sammies is one of 11 Best Ice Cream Sandwiches in America.

6. Sunshine Sammies

99 S Lexington Ave, Эшвилл, NC
Кондитерская · Downtown Asheville · Подсказок и отзывов: 3

Spoon UniversitySpoon University: With solar powered carts all around Asheville as well as a storefront, there’s always a Sammie close by, and let’s be real — that’s really all that matters. Подробнее.

Churro Borough is one of 11 Best Ice Cream Sandwiches in America.

7. Churro Borough

1726 N Vermont Ave, Лос-Анджелес, CA
Кондитерская · Los Feliz · Подсказок и отзывов: 31

Spoon UniversitySpoon University: By the name, you could guess that they are of course known for their churro ice cream sandwiches, which honestly sounds like the dessert that would make all my dreams come true. Подробнее.

Dough is one of 11 Best Ice Cream Sandwiches in America.

8. Dough

2602 S Macdill Ave, Тампа, FL
Пекарня · Palma Ceia · Подсказок и отзывов: 31

Spoon UniversitySpoon University: They’ve got all your typical doughnut & ice cream flavors to choose from. Not only do they have doughnut ice cream sammies, but they also have the classic cookie sandwiches & even macaron sandwiches. Подробнее.

Cathy's Creamery is one of 11 Best Ice Cream Sandwiches in America.

9. Cathy's Creamery

401 Euclid Ave (St Clair), Кливленд, OH
Заведение с мороженым · Downtown Cleveland · Подсказок и отзывов: 2

Spoon UniversitySpoon University: Not only do you get your choice of ice cream and cookies, but you also get to add on a topping that will coat the sides of your ice cream sandwich. Подробнее.

Miller Union is one of 11 Best Ice Cream Sandwiches in America.

10. Miller Union

999 Brady Ave NW (10th Street), Атланта, GA
Американский ресторан · Подсказок и отзывов: 130

Spoon UniversitySpoon University: Shaped into perfect squares, these ice cream sandwiches are heavy on the ice cream and light on the sandwich cookies, but honestly, there isn’t ever a bad chipwich ratio. Подробнее.

Francois Payard Bakery is one of 11 Best Ice Cream Sandwiches in America.

11. Francois Payard Bakery

116 W Houston St (at Sullivan & Thompson St), Нью-Йорк, NY
Пекарня · Greenwich Village · Подсказок и отзывов: 114

Spoon UniversitySpoon University: So Francois Payard Bakery figured they would use what they know best by filling light and flaky macarons with ice cream and sorbet to make delicious ice cream sammies. Подробнее.