STA Travel U.S.: Not only is the barbeque delicious, but they have awesome indoor and outdoor stages! If you are a lover of indie or alternative rock, you will absolutely love it.
1602 Fortview Rd (btwn Elizabeth & Monroe St.), Остин, TX
Антикварный магазин · South Lamar · Подсказок и отзывов: 65
Austin American-Statesman: Looking for an antique chair? How about a mounted deer head? This store on South Congress Avenue is part antique, part funky boutique with a little flea market thrown in.
Судно или паром · Downtown Austin · Подсказок и отзывов: 6
HISTORY: Austin’s best tour with 75 minutes of sightseeing that includes Historic Sixth Street, the State Capitol Building, Bob Bullock State History Museum, the Governor’s Mansion, and Lake Austin.
HISTORY: It's said that if a couple climbs the 100 stairs to the top of Mount Bonnell once, they fall in love; twice, they'll become engaged; and after three times, it's inevitable they'll get married.
Рок-клуб · Downtown Austin · Подсказок и отзывов: 70
VH1: After the show, walk across the street to Casino El Camino and order a burger from the window inside. You may be waiting a while, but it’s the best burger in Austin. – Robert F.