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The Field Museum

Музей естественной истории им. Филда

(The Field Museum)
Исторический музей
Museum Campus, Чикаго
2 950
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  • Nasty T.
    Nasty TrumpОктябрь 7, 2014
    Те,кто устал от пост импрессионизма и современного искусства, добро пожаловать в мир ископаемых и сотворения мира!
  • Артём А.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Артём АртёмФевраль 12, 2017
    Он Божественнен. Особенно динозаврики - мечта детства 😍
  • Medved01 К.
    Детям будет интересно.
  • Erik R.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Erik RowleyИюль 11, 2016
    The Chicago Field Museum is one of the best museums in the world. Plan to spend an entire day here as there is so much to see! My favorite exhibits are the NW Pacific tribes and Evolving Planet.
    Проголосовали «за» 29 Nov 2024
  • Jan K.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Jan KuldaМай 31, 2015
    Buying the family membership was most economical for our family of 6, even though we only intended to visit for 1 day! Bonus: it is good for 13 months and for many museums across the nation!
    Проголосовали «за» 1 день назад
  • AFAR Media
    AFAR MediaАвгуст 4, 2014
    The Field Museum is a must-see for anyone who could be interested in just about anything. Choose a topic, and chances are you could learn about it here. The dinosaur skeletons are truly spectacular. \nПодробнее
    Проголосовали «за» 1 неделю назад
  • Serchзначок сердца на изображении пользователя
    SerchМарт 12, 2019
    Museo muy grande donde puedes pasar bastante tiempo recorriendo sus salas. La arquitectura es muy bonita y realmente encuentras lo mismo que en otros museos de Historia Natural
  • Erick G.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Erick GroИюнь 8, 2018
    Todas las exposiciones son increíbles, el museo es enorme así que ve con bastante tiempo para recorrerlo todo. Las muestras de dinosaurios 🦖🦕 y de culturas prehispánicas 🗿 fueron mis favoritas.
  • Sandraзначок сердца на изображении пользователя
    SandraНоябрь 1, 2015
    Hay que dedicarle el día entero, es enorme y hermoso. La sala de evolución es increíble y, obvio, la joya de la corona es Sue.
  • Abdulrahman A.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Abdulrahman Almunayes 🇰🇼Ноябрь 11, 2019
    Very big Museum, humans & animals history, so many areas to explore, huge building, free of charge, close to Chicago Downtown. Convenient to get a car or taxi here. Very recommended place to visit.
  • Jonathan P.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Jonathan PayneОктябрь 2, 2018
    One of the largest, most comprehensive museums around. They have different exhibitions happening all the time. You can spend all day here and only see a fraction of what they have.
  • Abdulrahman A.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Abdulrahman Almunayes 🇰🇼Ноябрь 11, 2019
    Very big Museum, humans & animals history, so many areas to explore, huge building, free of charge, close to Chicago Downtown. Very convenient to get a car or taxi here.
  • Aimee R.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Aimee RobertsАвгуст 17, 2018
    Ticket prices are fairly expensive, try to get a Groupon or City Pass ahead of time. There's so much to see and do! Make sure to get there early and set aside plenty of time!
  • Rachel S.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Rachel StarksМай 25, 2015
    My favorite exhibits here where the Vikings and Evolution. Sue was cool to see but that's about all I really liked about the museum. Like a mini American Museum of Natural History.
  • AFAR Media
    AFAR MediaАвгуст 4, 2014
    Dinosaurs, pyramids, cave paintings, sharks - if you don't like the Field Museum then you must've never been a kid. Home to extensive assortment of magical displays highlighting all facets of history. \nПодробнее
  • Cecília A.
    Cecília AkНоябрь 8, 2014
    Excelente!!! Depois de visitar vários museus de história natural e sair um bocado entediada deles, nem estava pensando em visitar este. Ainda bem q fui! Eu ADOREI!
  • Lauren B.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Lauren BassИюль 15, 2017
    I loved the dinosaur/ancient fossils exhibits, and the tattoo exhibit was so cool! I wouldn't bother with ancient Egypt though, it was really short and mostly just pottery.
  • Jonathan F.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Jonathan FerreraМарт 6, 2016
    Сколько раз довелось побывать здесь: 5+
    The Field Museum has a large amount of exhibits, you'd need two days to go through everything. Their animal and plant exhibits should not be missed. Also, their special exhibits are indeed special.
  • Laura M.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Laura M.Май 6, 2018
    This museum is huge. Be sure to come right when it opens because you will need the full day. Sue is not fully on display right now but you can peak in on where she is being stored.
  • Kristopher W.
    Kristopher WeissДекабрь 8, 2014
    We've been here 4.5 hours and barely scratched the surface. An absolutely excellent museum - probably the best I've been to. Only the Newseum in DC comes close. Don't miss this if you are in Chicago
  • Zondra P.
    Zondra PointerМарт 12, 2015
    Had a wonderful experience visiting all of the exhibits at the Field museum. So much to see! Be sure to arrive when it opens at 9am to ensure you have time to see it all. Great for all ages!
  • Cole T.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Cole TАвгуст 26, 2017
    Probably one of the best museum experiences I have ever had. Between the Africa exhibit, the mammals of Asia, evolution of life & the remains of Sue: a truly unforgettable experience. A++.
  • eric b.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    eric bornemannАвгуст 11, 2019
    Gigantic museum of natural history and anthropology. Could and should easily spend a full day. Annoying that they make you pay extra for some exhibits, but well worth it.
  • Justin O.
    Justin OrdovezaАвгуст 28, 2014
    This has a really large collection. From animals, plants, cultural exhibits. Take your time with the exhibits and with the people watching.
  • Kevin M.
    Kevin M. McNally, CMPАвгуст 21, 2018
    Dinosaurs, Mummies & Gems-OH MY! Another great museum offering here in Chicago for the entire family. After visiting, you'll be able to go on Jeopardy and say "Alex, I'll take history items for 800."
  • Matt H.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Matt HecklerФевраль 19, 2015
    If you want to see everything at this museum and actually take the time to appreciate everything, you will need several days to wander and enjoy. Not the best place for a quick visit.
  • Daniel P.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Daniel PhelpsМай 25, 2013
    This place is well-loved for a reason. It has cool interactive iPads in the current special exhibits. Don't miss the climb down into a mummy's tomb, and travel through the Earth's Mass Extinctions!
  • Amanda
    AmandaМарт 31, 2014
    Established in 1893 to house collections from the Chicago Worlds Fair, it is one of the largest Natural History museums in the world. Must see: Sue, the most complete and well-preserved T-Rex to date.
  • Toria L.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Toria LАвгуст 29, 2014
    Lots to see in this beautiful museum! The Evolving Earth exhibit is where the dinosaurs are & though the level of information is for about middle school, you're still sure to learn a lot!
  • Natasha S. A.
    Natasha S. AlfordСентябрь 2, 2014
    Breakfast bistro on the main floor is delicious and a great deal! Full pancake, egg, meat combo for only 7 bucks. Ken is a great chef too. :)
  • Colin N.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Colin NelsonЯнварь 24, 2016
    A Chicago staple! You have to come here if you have a few hours to spare. Great for kids and families. Take a picture with Sue the TRex!
    HISTORYАпрель 7, 2010
    The museum was incorporated in 1893 as the Columbian Museum of Chicago, but the name was changed in 1905 to Field Museum of Natural History to better reflect its focus on the natural sciences.
  • Roosevelt Collection
    Roosevelt CollectionОктябрь 31, 2011
    Fun fact: The museum collections contain over 21 million specimens! Our favorite exhibit is the Grainger Hall of Gems, which features more than 300 diamonds and gems from around the world.
  • Eduardo M.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Eduardo MetingerФевраль 21, 2015
    The museum is really amazing and really big!!! If you want to see everything, needs arrive too early in the morning and be willing to walk! But is truly beautiful
  • Mark K.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Mark KinsleyФевраль 13, 2015
    One of my favorite museums! But don't come hungry -- they've replaced the Corner Bakery and McDonald's with high-priced, very low quality "Museum Cafe" food.
  • Ron H.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Ron HubersАпрель 3, 2013
    Such a great museum! Get the membership and split up your visit over a couple of days. There is so much to see, you'll be exhausted if you try to take it all in, in one day!
  • DailyCandy
    DailyCandyФевраль 25, 2014
    The big draw here may be Sue (the world’s largest, most complete T. rex skeleton), but there are plenty of exhibits to geek out over, from the wonders of the 1893 World’s Fair to Egyptian mummies.
  • Staff Picks
    Staff PicksДекабрь 6, 2016
    The Field Museum was one of the more wished for places throughout 2015’s I Want Somewhere holiday campaign. Where’s your somewhere? Enter to win a bucket list experience. \nПодробнее
  • Uri E.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Uri Espinosa CuetoАвгуст 22, 2017
    Probablemente el museo más completo de historia natural del mundo, necesitas todo el día para poder recorrerlo pero definitivamente vale la pena. Desgraciadamente es bastante caro!
  • Joseph B.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Joseph B.Февраль 6, 2015
    Сколько раз довелось побывать здесь: 5+
    The architecture of the great hall is stunning by itself, but the rest of the museum easily deserves a visit at least once. The special exhibits can be hit or miss.
  • Blanca G.
    Blanca G.Февраль 28, 2017
    This is an exhibit that changes every few months and make history a lot more fun for individuals to learn. This is a place where the brain gets to learn new facts.
  • Joseph L.
    Joseph LegastoМай 17, 2016
    One of the most comprehensive and entertaining museums in the world. Exhibit of the terracotta warriors of especially good.
  • Kaso A.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Kaso Awesome TimeНоябрь 28, 2014
    The best taxidermy exhibit ever, which is not something I say a lot! Also, the "Machine Inside" exhibit was very cool!
  • Analise B.
    Analise BluemelМай 8, 2013
    Make sure you come here with a desire to learn and tons of time! Wicked cool exhibits. Very interactive and well done. Egyptian exhibit was hands down my favorite.
  • Sзначок сердца на изображении пользователя
    SСентябрь 24, 2013
    Leave yourself plenty of time to go here because there is so much cool stuff. Don't miss the evolution exhibit, the dinosaurs were so interesting. And thr giant sloth!
  • Kristopher W.
    Kristopher WeissИюль 2, 2015
    If you are here for Fare Thee Well, you must go see Everything is Dead. Plus, this is about the best museum you could ever visit. Worth every penny.
  • Linda M.
    Linda MiklowitzИюль 8, 2013
    So many fascinating things to see at Field Museum. We're members now because many benefits like tickets to special exhibits, tote bag, etc. The bioluminescence special exhibit is enlightening.
  • Daniel L.
    Daniel LaytonАпрель 6, 2021
    So many things to see it will easily take your whole day to see everything. One of the greatest museum in the Chicago.
  • Vira D.
    Vira DongМарт 9, 2016
    Last week, I went to there and visited Chinese region and Animal region. It is amazing and awesome place for me. I love there. It is close my University.
  • Andrew W.значок сердца на изображении пользователя
    Andrew WhiteДекабрь 2, 2015
    I live this museum. Great permanent exhibits as well as rotating ones. I loved the recent Vikings, voodou and China exhibits
Фотографии4 862 Фото

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