Stefan B.: 30 different kind if beers, cool little place. Haven't been there on a regular day yet, rather had an event there but it's quite cozy and the staff is super friendly!
Kralja Petra 16 (Knez Mihailova), Белград, Центральная Сербия
Кофейня · Stari Grad · Подсказок и отзывов: 93
Kirill Bogatyrev: На третьем этаже свои бариста и мало народу. Есть fee wifi везде. Любое кофе, air press, French press, cold brew, эспрессо, вариации с молоком, и свежевыжатый соки.
Omladinskih brigada 86j (Lokal 4), Белград, Центральная Сербия
Кофейня · Novi Beograd · Подсказок и отзывов: 57
Zak Ivkovic: Original and excellent - Not sure what is better in this place; the decor, the lab, it's the awesome coffee and maybe even better smoothies. Added bonus, bagels in Belgrade! A must.
Zmaja od Noćaja 16 (Studentski trg), Белград, Центральная Сербия
Кафе · Dorćol · Подсказок и отзывов: 19
Goran Vojinović: Good coffee, really friendly staff and an extraordinarily equipped toilet (with tampons, pads, handcreme, a deodorant etc.) They have also started to serve food recently. It's a must visit.
Balkanska 2 (btw Prizrenska and Pajsijeva), Белград, Центральная Сербия
Кофейня · Zeleni Venac · Подсказок и отзывов: 11
Ajsi Dora: The interior is cozy and wonderful! it depicts the routes and origins of different coffee and tea roasts, and each cup of coffee/tea is quite different in here. Combine it with a nice cake!